And Now for Something Completely Different: It's ALWAYS Caturday Around Here

I don't often do this-- even though I do know in my heart of hearts that the true purpose of the Internet is to share cat photos and kitten videos.

Kitten hiding behind the curtain

Didn't realize that Caturday had actually become a "thing" on Steemit... I know some of us had some fun with it back on Tsu. 

I have recently been playing around with black & white and color enhancements, so I thought I'd share a few shots of our cat Shadow, mostly from when he was a kitten-- he's a little over a year old now.

Kittens do make great photographic subject matter because they are eternally exploring and "into" things-- which means they find themselves in all sorts of situations that turn out to be photo worthy. They can also be extremely hard to photograph, because they are constantly in motion and have tiny little spans of attention. No sooner do I grab the camera and point... than the little rascal has already run out of the room again!

All cats have stripes... even solid black ones

No matter how much we invest in cat bads, the sink remains a favorite sleeping spot!

All in all, Shadow has been one of the easiest kittens we have had-- aside from the fact that he got very sick and almost died shortly after we got him--and he has become great friends with our dog Daisy... and is almost more like a "cat-dog" than a pure cat.

Napping with best friend Daisy... photo by @cosmictriage

How about YOU? Do you have cats? Have you ever done the Caturday photo challenge-- here, or back on Tsu? It is true that the REAL purpose of the Internet is really just to share cat pictures-- everything else is a diversion? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created 20170826 10:47 PDT

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