Normal Routine Can Be A Good Shield

There are parts of my life that are unpredictable, chaotic and downright frustrating. During those times, about all I can do is hold on tight and hope to hell I don’t get so worn down that I let go of the tether.

It’s during those times I really appreciate the role my two felines play in my life. Cats are creatures of routine. They are happiest when they can experience their routine. I find that being present for that routine to happen helps me to remember the better times during the rough times

This seems to be the part of the daily routine these two love the most. The need to feed these two is a big part of what gets me out of bed in the morning. After they are fed, they make their way to where I am. Sitting on the couch at my computer. They seem to have an agreement between them how this is going to happen.

Fawnya (the fawnish coloured tabby) makes his way over first and lays across my lap to be petted and played with while Dawn (the long-haired imp)patrols the house and checks the windowsills to see what is happening outside. She then comes over and hops up to lay in my lap. At that point, Fawnya shifts and curls up beside me.

I have two choices at that point, give her my total attention or just type around her as she settles into sleeping cuddled against me. I usually opt for a bit of both. I enjoy their presence reminding me there is a normal flow to life, even when it isn’t.

Since I have committed the sin of disturbing them so I can get coffee, put my brunch on to cook and start some laundry, these two are currently encamped nearby in protest.

I am grateful for their tethering effect.

steemit ramble

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

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