Caturdaycollagecontest #1 - 1 : Atreyu the cat!

Hi friends! This is Atreyu =)

He is our cat, I guess... He is always criticizing us because we are such bad slaves, that's what he says u_u He is very handsome as you can see =n_ñ=

He doesn't like kids, other humans, other cats, other living beings... xD He is not old but he is kind of a bitter cat. Sometimes he asks for love, specially when I'm busier D: and he likes to stand in front of the broom right when I'm trying to clean the house.

My neighborhood is full of cat lovers and he is very popular among the neighboors, sometimes he knocks in other houses to get food; although we feed him very well. He likes making such drama.

This is also my entry for Caturday collage contest !! by @marcovanhassel. Good luck everyone!

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