Wishes...Wishes...Wishes….Unlimited Wishes

What if someone just appears from thin air like a Genie and ask “Tell me what are your wishes and they shall be granted”
Wohoooooooo……..I would jump and give my wish list instantly.

Dreams and Wishes are a part of our lives. The day we stop dreaming and wishing life becomes dull. I personally feel our wishes and dreams add a spark to our lives, they are the motivation to making life better by each day. They aspire us to create new things in life. Like everyone, I too have bundle of wishes, but today I want to express my 3 most desired wishes.

The reason of picking up these 3 wishes is not because they are so different, but I feel they are so much part of me. These 3 wishes are a part of my life as I also see them in my dreams very often and I feel somewhere I have a close connection with it.

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/child-fee-magic-butterfly-wing-2443969/

From childhood I always used to look at the moon and wonder, how does this moon come up every night and disappear every morning, I have been so fascinated with the moon, that I always wonder what it is like in this glowing ball, every morning where does it disappear and what are those beautiful images that form on it. I see a mesmerizing moon in my dreams very often which is a sparkling white ball fully covered with silver linings, where I wish to go one day.

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/fantasy-moon-mystical-fairy-tales-2754467/

*Most of my wishes come from my dreams, so does my second wish too

I see a place completely filled with all white houses, and beautiful lush green lawns and gardens with magnificent flowers, beautiful fountains, and people spending loving moments with their dear ones. There is only peace and love all around in the city and I am flying over the city enjoying this most blissful sight.

And that is where my motivation to keep advising everyone to meditate comes from

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/garden-park-castle-art-2040714/

Now coming to my last wish, which again is from my dreams. By now you all must be thinking I am a dreamy girl….hahaha….. yes I am!!

I see this beautiful Angel in my dream sparkling with Golden Light, spreading the light in my entire house. I feel sometimes this is my Guardian Angel, who comes to me and sparks up my life with its beautiful light.

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/angel-light-religious-angel-wings-1099908/

To think of it, my wishes may seem to be very unrealistic, but I do believe that Miracles do happen and you never know so I keep hoping every day that these miracles will happen someday for me and my wishes will get fulfilled.

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