SirKnight's: Daily 'Celestial Challenge' - NEW for all Steemians!

To say that @kalemandra's Daily ColorChallenge has been Steemit's biggest and longest lasting challenge thread would be truly an understatement.


Few veteran Steemians would have passed up an opportunity to post a picture of a purple flower, a skyblue lagoon or orange sunset for a bit of extra Steem.

What @kalemandra has gifted to us was the ultimate fallback. The challenge provided a means for Steemian's with Writer's Block to not miss a daily post - by providing purpose, respectability and a sizeable paycheck for participants.

To date over $140,000 SBD have been paid out to ColorChallenge participants - a truly staggering amount. This Knight wonders whether 6 months ago @kalemandra would have dreamed her challenge would be this popular and successful.

So a great big THANK YOU to @kalemandra.

However, let us be honest...

This challenge is now getting old!

Seriously, how many more pictures of voilets can we all look at on a Sunday? Or even worse - red cars on a Monday??

So the time has come to set a new daily challenge - open to all!

This will be SirKnight's...

Daily Celestial Challenge!


We have 7 days each named after various celestial bodies, derived from various Greek and Roman Gods.

Sunday (Sun)

Latin - dies solis "day of the sun"

To celebrate our life creating 'Sun,' on Sunday's we should celebrate our very own star and the light and the energy it provides.

Monday (Moon)

Latin dies lunae "day of the moon"

On this day we should celebrate the Moon, the night and the tides.

Tuesday (Mars)

Latin dies Martis "day of Mars"

The Red Planet, named after Ares the God of War. On this day we examine Mars and it's symbolism for the rivalry in nature and life - survival of the fittest!

Wednesday (Mercury)

Latin dies Mercurii "day of Mercury"

Mercury is the Roman god of commerce, travel, thievery, eloquence and science. He is the messenger of the other gods.

On this day we celebrate the great achievements of man, including buildings, engineering, transportation and architecture.

Thursday (Jupiter)

Jupiter (Jove) is the supreme Roman god and patron of the Roman state. He is noted for creating the thunder and the lightning - and he wasn't afraid to use it.

Every Thursday we should pay tribute to the forces of nature!

Friday (Venus)

Ancient Greek hemera Aphrodites "day of Aphrodite"; and,

Freo is identical with freo, meaning free. It is from the Germanic frijaz meaning "beloved, belonging to the loved ones, not in bondage, free".

Each Friday we reward ourselves by embracing 'love, beauty and freedom!'

Saturday (Saturn)

Latin dies Saturni "day of Saturn"

Just as Saturn was the Roman god of agriculture, we should use our Saturday's for not just tending to our crops and gardens but posting about them too. Each Saturday we examine foods, farming, fishing, self-sustainable living and all things similar.









What next?

  1. Resteem this post and get the word out.
  2. Start posting to #celestialchallenge with regard to the daily celestial body and/or the subject matter it was said by the ancients to represent.
  3. Title your post DailyCelestialChallenge followed by the short title: ie 'Sunday-Light'
  4. Feel free to enter once a day - every day.

Today is 'Tuesday-AnimalKingdom'. LET'S SEE WHAT YOU'VE GOT!

I am most certainly...



Thanks @ryivhnn for footer!


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