Moral Decline Kills Nations

I am going to go out on a limb with this post.  I feel that I have to do this, because, for the very first time in my life, I have encountered censorship of a very disturbing kind.   I simply cannot understand how western society has allowed itself to descend to the depths of moral turpitude  where websites now devote entire sections to stories and articles detailing lurid and perverse sexual acts, while simultaneously banning a children's story about a beloved pet who dies and goes to heaven on the grounds that it expresses 'personal beliefs'.

To make a long story short, I came across a new blogging site called '', and decided to give it a test ride.  Since I did not feel like writing anything new, I dug out a short story that I wrote some fifteen years ago, and used it to see how the submission process worked.  I choose to submit it under the 'pet life' sub-section, and waited for it to go through the 'review' process.  Much to my surprise, the reason that it was rejected was not because the writing needed work, or that the story was bad.  No, the reason I was given was:

Content asserts or implies personal attributes or beliefs.

WTF?!!!!  At the very same time, this blog site was running a piece entitled 'How to Prep for Anal Sex' in a sub-section called 'Fithy'. 

So, in effect, this site feels anal sex articles should not be censored, but stories that touch on personal beliefs - that is anything that mentions God or heaven - needs to be censored.  That is absolutely mind-boggling!  I had heard complaints about things like this, but I had never expected to actually come across it.  I watch some pretty controversial stuff on YouTube, and despite the general outcry of late, I have not noticed it being censored or removed.  FaceBook and Twitter both still allow mention of God, heaven, and religion, as well as a wide variety of alternative information. is the first site that I have come across seems to believe that God is a dangerous idea that needs to be censored.

Why is this happening, and is this just an isolated incident?  

Sadly, I don't believe that this is an isolated case.  We are seeing children being force-fed sexual material long before they are even capable of understanding what it is that they are being force-fed.  The reason for forcing this on them when they are so young is, of course, in order to make hyper- and deviant sexualization the 'new normal' for the next generation of young people.  The concept of 'God' is antithetical to this agenda, and therefore needs to be stamped out.  The fact that this is happening does not bode well for  western civilization, let alone civilization as a whole.

The sad truth is that moral decline kills nations, and nothing kills them faster or more permanently than utterly destroying their moral compass.  Saying this may offend some people, but I have long believed that if 9/11 was really what it seemed, the target would have been Hollywood, and not a couple of towers in New York.  The moral rot that is being churned out in popular media, and is now rife on the internet, is the most serious threat to civilization that we, or anybody else, has seen in a long, long time.  Throughout history, great civilizations have fallen not because of external invaders,  but because their cultural and moral structures collapsed.  

The first indication that this is happening is when the populace starts to immerse itself in sex, loses an appreciation for beauty in art, and tears apart its moral compass in the name of 'freedom'.  They make man into God, and worship the phallus and the vagina.  The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is more than just a biblical tale; it is an allegory about the moral collapse that almost always precedes the physical collapse of nation-states.  Once moral absolutes about sex and morality are destroyed, everything is on the table.  Lying, murder, and slavery all become relative.  This is why human beings need to believe in higher concepts such as God, and this is why God is now persona non grata in so many places.  And this is also why I am so deeply disturbed by this single act of censorship.

I uploaded the offending story to Steemit.  You can see it here, and judge for yourself.

 image: wikipedia commons

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