Yet another YouTube video deleted for COPPA "violation" - because my kids' hands and voices are in it

Yet another video coming down to preempt YouTube's COPPA regulations, going into effect in 11 days, forcing millions of content-creators to delete videos, or surrender to neutering (no comments, no ratings, no sharing, no notifications, etc).

YouTube's COPPA purge of late 2019 is underway, and content-creators are pouring over trillions of minutes of footage for anything about, for, appealing to, involving, by, or with children. My channel's videos include several on the chopping block, including this 2011 piece of history. Here it is, recorded in the most complete way I know how, somewhere I believe it won't get censored or deleted.

NOTE: I've never shown my kids' faces online, nor posted their names or personal details of any kind. I believe they can choose to give up their privacy themselves, when they're mature enough to understand all the implications. You'll notice a few blurry 'privacy moments' in the video.

I think it's ridiculous that YouTube is shutting (and sometimes memoryholing) entire channels and millions of videos, to "protect the children". What happened to parents supervising their young kids while online? Now we have to censor the whole internet just to supposedly keep the kids safe while they're online by themselves? Something's not right about that!

Bitchute is working well for video uploads and watching. People are flocking from YouTube there in droves right now, especially banned and censored content-creators with important things to say. Signup is free (so is uploading videos) and easy, and they're committed to remain anti-censorship.

Click to watch (12 mins) on Bitchute!

Shame on Google/YouTube/Alphabet for this massive digital book burning! The truth will prevail.


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