Amos Yee Is Arested Again. #freeyee

Today/yesterday, September 14th 2016, Amos Yee was arrested again.

You might be wondering who Amos Yee is.

This guy.......

Amos lives in Singapore, they do not have the right to free speech there. It is illegal to disrespect government or religion in any form.

Amos disrespects both. he is an atheist and an anarcho-capitalist.
Why doesn't he censor himself you might be thinking.
It is because he is fighting for the right to have free speech. He believes in it.
He is willing to spend 5 years in prison to show the world he believes the laws are unjust.
He is trying to make a change in the world.

He was arrested before, he has already spent 50 days in prison for speaking his thoughts.

Im sure you can guess what he did when he got out. He did it again and again and again. He has 8 more charges on him now, 5 are for disrespecting religion.

Well the time finally ran out and the 8 charges caught up. He is now paying the ultimate sacrifice for Singapore and freedom of speech. He is putting up one hell of a fight for freedom and free speech.

Please share and sub to his Youtube:

Show your support for him with the hashtag #freeyee

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