Chinese Wedding Traditions. Matchmaking./中国传统婚礼。婚介

Weddings in China, try to carry out the prescribed keeping traditions and rituals, but today's young people down some of them, and their marriage more like a European, but how long it is necessary, you should always remember and know. Rites quite a lot, and even after the young are bound by ties of marriage, they are not left alone until everything is completed properly, so this ceremony, is divided into three distinct processes - courtship, the wedding itself, after the marriage ceremony./中国的婚礼,尝试开展保持规定的传统和礼仪,但今天的年轻人了一些人,他们的婚姻更像是欧洲的,但有必要多长时间,你应该永远记住和了解。相当多,并且即使在年轻的仪式,由婚姻关系的约束,他们并不孤单,直到一切都正确完成离开,所以这个仪式上,分为三个不同的过程 - 求爱,婚礼本身,结婚仪式结束后。

Before zasvatat bride, the groom need to send her family a preliminary note-card, which indicates eight characters life. The note was the groom's name and date of birth were given, up to a specified time. These data came rite of divination, and in that case if the outcome is favorable, similar information will be sent the groom's family. If, for two days, the card was in the house, nothing bad happened, then, to consent to the marriage./你做一个匹配的新娘之前,新郎需要发送她的家人初步说明卡,这表明八个字符的生活。该说明是新郎的名字和出生日期分别给予,最多一个指定的时间。这些数据来占卜仪式,并在如果结果是有利的情况下,类似的信息将被送到新郎家。如果两天,卡在房子里,没有什么不好的事情,那么,同意结婚。

Very important is the twelve-year animal cycle. In the event that the groom was born in the year of the horse, and the bride bull, snake and tiger, rat and sheep, chicken and dogs, these couples were considered unsuccessful. Also, it makes provision of a birth of young in a cycle of five elements: water, wood, earth, metal and fire. The new family will live happily ever after, if there was a dominant location, the groom's birth in at least one of these cycles. But love was sometimes so strong that the young were even cheating by changing the date of birth of the bride, would only be together.

In China, from the Pocono centuries there was a ceremony of the marriage contract, which were written by the mutual guarantee marriage, information about families and young prescribed amount contributed by the bride price. The paper was to be red, the bride with the image of the phoenix, the groom - a dragon.

The marriage contract is the day of love of parents. Traditionally, it is held in the bride's home. Before you cross the threshold of the house, I had to bow before the family altar. As a rule, before the house always stood the figure "happiness hare 'and' fish of happiness." After that, came a common meal and drinking the cup of wine, which was a symbol of long life. Bridegroom have to give two peas, which, on his return home, he must be put into water, and eat. This was done, for his future family was great.

Instead, bachelorette party, which satisfied in European countries, China held a ceremony of mourning. The bride before the wedding should mourn the loss of their loved ones and to recognize the fact that it is now fully belongs to the husband. The family of the bride is going to put together, they spend cultural time and the girl to say goodbye to them. It's pretty sad and touching ceremony, it can be compared with that when we remove the veil at the end of the wedding night, however, there it is much more serious./非常重要的是十二年动物周期。在新郎出生在马年的事件,新娘牛,蛇和老虎,老鼠,羊,鸡,狗,这些夫妇被认为是不成功的。此外,它使提供年轻的五行循环出生的:水,木,土,金,火。从此以后,新系列将快乐地生活,如果有一个主导的位置,新郎在这些周期中的至少一个诞生。但爱有时如此强烈,年轻人甚至被改变的新娘诞生之日起作弊,只会在一起。在中国,从波科诺世纪有婚约,上面写着由互保婚姻,关于家庭和年轻规定的量贡献的彩礼信息仪式。该文件是为红色,新娘与凤,新郎的形象 - 龙。婚姻合同是父母爱的日子。传统上,在新娘家举行。你穿过房子的门槛之前,我有家庭祭坛面前低头。作为一项规则,房子前,始终站在数字“快乐兔子”和“幸福鱼”。在此之后,来到一个共同的饭,喝葡萄酒的杯子,这是长寿的象征。新郎必须给予一模一样,对此,他回到家里,他必须付诸水,吃。这样做,对他未来的家庭是伟大的。相反,未婚党,满足在欧洲国家,中国举行哀悼仪式。在婚礼前新娘应该悼念亲人的丧失和承认的事实,它现在已经完全属于丈夫。新娘的家庭是要放在一起,他们花文化时间,女孩说再见他们。这是很可悲的和感人的仪式,它可以用,当我们在新婚之夜的最后删除的面纱相比,然而,它严重得多。

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