☺ What if I will post about t-i-t-s ? Will I have more upvotes and earn more ? lol

Are t-i-t-s good to use ? ☺ lol

I don't think so, I think they are very heavy, especially when you run ☺

I am kidding, I am just a little bit angry cause I spent about two hours or more writing this post and translating it from russian into english and checking it from mistakes because I am not a native spealer : What is ICO & how we can earn from it and in the end I earned less than $1 😲 Crazy yes ?

I am just kidding and it was a joke I didn't mean to offend any one, but it's the reality.

So I am thinking if I am two month on steemit and earn less than one dollar from my post so I need 20 months to earn 10 ☺Again kidding, just have a good more don't worry it's not true I just have to be noticed by a whale, so do your best to be noticed by a whale or you will earn nothing !

Show them the best that you can, I will translate more articles and find more useful information and share the best that I can, good luck with steemit, post & earn ☺

Follow @Clixmoney for more t-i-t-s , kidding tips ☺

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