My Special Day in Steemit -- Over 100 Followers!!!!

Today is the 12th day in Steemit! Just a normal day for me. I woke up early and rush to Tokyo Metro in order to avoid the rush hour in Tokyo.
Today is also special day to me. I accomplished a remarkable achievement :

Get over 100 Followers in Steemit!


To make it even more special: I was picked as one of the mentioned author in

Minnow Support Project (@minnowsupportproject) - Thursday Winners! Contest.

Thank you @aggroed!!!

So I decided to get myself a small gift as encouragement:


Yeah, I like collecting Japanese figures, see my old post about this here:


Yes, I went to amusement center and play the Prize Catcher Machines again! There are always questions about how I get all the prizes, many said that I bought them from shops in Akihabara. Since today is my special day, I am going to prove to you I really won the prizes!

The very first thing you need to do is : Get yourself some 100 yen coins. It is more than easy just following step 1, 2, 3 and 4. Ding, ding! You have your handful of coins.

Then like a preditor, I search for my targets:



Too many choices but only limited resources, after making a few circles, I decided to go for one of my favorite Dragon Ball character. This is how I "Catch" the prize.
This kind of "Catcher Machine" requires player to use the arms of the "catcher" to slowly move the box from the left side, which the 2 bars are separated in the way that the box cannot fall down, to the wider opening at the right side. The skill here is the use just one arm at a time. In this case, you have to move the "catcher" to a position that end of the right arm is just right next to the upper right edge of the box, after the arms go down, they will be closed. This closing action will move the box toward the left side. After several time of moving, the box will likely be turned about 90 degrees, and now it has a higher chance of falling through the gap between the 2 bars. Now what you need to do is to attack the box at the upper side as shown in the 2 pictures in the middle. Closing of the 2 "Catcher" arms, then the upward movement will slight move the box and a few time later, if you're not unlucky, the box will fall and you get the prize!!!!

My second target is the Q-version Cinderella. I pretty sure it will be welcomed by my girls at home.

This is my first time attacking this kind of machine and I had put into considerable learning fee.
The idea is the use one of the arms, make it go through the hole in the piece of paper on the box. The closing and upward movement of the arms will slightly move the box towards the edge of the platform, and eventually fall down.
As you can see in the photos, you have to use the 2 arms in turns. Which arms to use? Depends on the position of the box and direction you want it to move. Basically, use right arm to move the box left and left arm to move right.
It is of course easier say than do. After many attempts, the box eventually fell down and I got the prize!!!

Before I left, I decided to get one more thing for myself and my target is one of the character in my favourite comic,
Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure.

Skill used was very similar to what was used to get Cinderella, except when the box moved to the edge of the platform, it will be easier to use the arms to push the box instead of trying to get the hole again. Pushing the box will make it move more and you get the box faster, with less money!

If you spent your time to read this article to here, you probably also a comic lover, Japan addictive or just want to learn how to deal with the machines. In any case, I hope this post will give you some values that you will find it of some use in future. This will be the best present for my first landmark in Steemit!

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