Hey Steemit! This is Susan!

Hiii everyone, my name is Susan:) I am a newbie who joined Steemit in June. I am a student in Hong Kong and I am very glad to find this platform and meet people like you!

This is my verification photo:

This is me too:

You may ask why I’m in Hanbok (traditional Korean custom)? Haha coz I like Korea! Though I’m not a fan of K-Pop, I like Runningman, which is a Korean variety show. I was the External Vice Chairperson of Korean Society at HKU:)



Last year I went to Korea and jointed the Seoul Music Awards Show. It was FABULOUS!!


I worked with the Consulate General of the Republic of Korean in Hong Kong to promote Korea culture. One of the reasons why I became an executive committee was that I like organizing activities :) I’m quite sure you still remember your graduation dinner LOLL! Haha I was one of the organizers of our high school Grad Din:


It was an unforgettable experience! >V<

I love cross-stitching! It requires dedication…ya I sometimes I like to concentrate on something and think of nothing LOLL! This picture shows how I finished a masterpiece (ok it’s not :p)!


Also, I like playing Guzheng, which is a Chinese instrument. I started to learn it when I was 5 and I’m still practicing now;] Here’s how it looks:


Moreover, I love dancing too!! I’ve learnt Chinese and Indian style but I like the former more haha! I enjoying dancing coz I can express my emotion freely through every move. The audience can also be touched :)



Ohh, almost forget, I was a student DJ at Radio Television Hong Kong! We discussed current issues and interacted with the listeners:) I believe in the power of voice haha!


So, do you think I’m a quiet girl? LOLL NOO I’m not! I like doing exercise such as running! I won many prizes in the Sports Competition including long jump, running, relay and hurdles!!


I also love hiking!!! Challenge: can you spot me??


Haha, although I spend a lot of time joining various activities, I don’t abandon my studies ;P For the past two years, I was on the Dean’s Honours List of the Arts Faculty:) It’s really great to see my efforts pay off!!!


Last year I went to King's College London for exchange :) I JUST LOVE London!!!

This was taken in the London Lego Store:

This was taken in the Winter Wonderland:

It’s really nice to know you on Steemit ;) Feel free to ask questions regarding me or Hong Kong or anything in the comment! Stay tuned and there are more coming up!! Thanks for your time and

please follow me

if you want to see more from me!!

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