Wish I could get more done at times. However will be meeting some crypto people & projects to be able to do more soon.
Having Tinnitus can be kind of an alarm clock that may wake you up in the morning to make sure you are up on time! However it may also just wake you up too early or in the middle of the night depending on what you ate, well you are sleeping, or sound quality of the environment you are in and trying to sleep in. But on the other hand I don't need an alarm clock anymore so that saves me money and no worries about smashing the thing when it makes noise waking me up unexpectedly!
Was tiring last week as i had planned to do more posts. But after the long days and checking messages I just needed rest. Even recorded eos talks but was too tired to upload and post. Good that others had taken care of it that may have had better recordings than me. Then the hotel room in the morning had this alarm going off and someone loudly saying, "Attention" in some kind of unannounced test or something. That really just bothered me and my ears more than anything.
Went to doctor's last year although they couldn't see much of anything. There were some signs of some trouble with Eustachian tube dysfunction. Was given/suggested some medication to help with that. While also taking between one and two dozen herbs that helped with recovering from Meningitis and beneficial of the ears along with blood pressure for example that could also be a partial cause.
My doctor had said there was fluid in my ears. So researched ways to help remedy this. Then also saw an ear doctor who said there was no liquid in my ears shortly there after which seemed a little strange to me. So not exactly sure what was up with things and just tried my best to improve my health as I still do.
Will be working on my ideas of making my bitshares UIA asset token to be in a more decentralized light while continuing
to invest and be involved in some crypto projects that will be revealed over time as we work out details and which ones will be a good fit. As i very excited about some of the possibilities I have come upon through networking though #beyondbitcoin, Consensus, steemit, and viva.
Despite being short on sleep the time spent meeting many people is and will be very valuable to myself and others over time. Will even be traveling to meet some of these people again which will be shared when the time comes as we work out more details of when and where. Another post may be about where shall virtualgrowth go next.
That will be it for now as my ears are ringing some now. Just going to take it easy but will be getting some stuff done as I have become fairly dedicated to the world of crypto thanks to everyone and continuously for everyone in some way shape or form that I may be.