"Joint sea patrol from Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia off around Mindanao region"

Malaysian's Minister of Defense Hishammuddin Hussein made the comment at a security conference in Singapore as Philippine troops continued to battle self-styled Islamic State (IS) group gunmen who attacked the city of Marawi on Mindanao island nearly two weeks ago. This to counter the threat from the Islamist State group militants in Mindanao and will commenced on June 19th with air patrols at a later date.

Security analysts say IS is planning to establish a "province" in the southern island of Mindanao as part of its efforts to set up a caliphate in Southeast Asia. Singapore Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said the city-state stood ready to help Manila deal with the jihadist threat. "There was clear realisation... that if the situation in Marawi in Southern Philippines was allowed to escalate or entrench, it would pose decades of problems for ASEAN."

This is great news, so long as there's no IS fanatics among them. The difficulty that the extremists is having is the access to the other islands . Joint patrols will give the Philippines extra manpower and the means to properly watch the whole of Mindanao waters, preventing the spread to the Visayas region to Luzon.


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