Steemit Challenge #behindthecurtain: Sharing Our Personal Steemit Work Spaces

I was thinking recently about how we use steemit and what we are expecting from it. I read an article by @yallapapi about how lots of people are engaging with steemit only for monetary gains, and this in turn is effecting how welcoming the platform is for non-creators.

I want to be a creator, and I like the idea of being able to make money through blogging or writing, but that's not really why I like steemit. I really appreciate the full open content, the opportunities for worldwide economic interaction, and the block-chain system is revolutionary in my books.

Fellow user @freedomtowrite is hosting a steemit challenge called #behindthecurtain.

I was nominated by fellow steemitblogger @borrowedearth to share my space behind the steemit curtain.

Since there have been so many signs today for me to take this step, I am going to change up how I interact with our beloved Steemit

(and hopefully y'all won't burn me for it)

So far I have tried to only post when it is heavy and meaningful and deep and that's really not all my life is. I am hoping to share a little bit more of my regular everyday fallible self with you all in shorter posts-- semi-similar to how I utilized instagram for a long time.

So here you go: this is my favorite spot to write up steemit posts.


Right beside the fire to keep this cold coyote toasty warm. Lounging (my specialty) in a supreme stripey chair we scored from goodwill for five bucks. This spot has a nice view out the dome, as well as windows across from me allowing a nice view of the mossy woods outside.

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This challenge timing was basically meant to be and totally woke me up to the idea that if I am trying to engage my true self with this community, I can't be constantly editing to make things so streamlined.

I want to feel welcome to share shorter moments of the day with y'all. Simple photographs with little bits of inspiration or momentary whispers of whim.

This is my was today's inspiration station, in the eastern hemisphere of the yurt.


Today it included a plant journal from my mama, whose natural magic has always been inspiring. I tore out a page from my own doodle book to keep around more visibly as a reminder to be sweet. Frida holds my poetry and songs yet to be sung. Buena Vista Social Club, tarot and well-tended buds helped me kick-start my imaginative creative self this morning.

So far today I've drawn, danced, cooked + cleaned, tended the fire AND got super sweaty on the mat after a hiatus of practice.


Now that I have shared a bit more about my world here, I will flex my social skills in nominating five users as requested by the challenge rules. Don't feel anxiety or pressure to participate if you don't have the time or desire,my dear nominees, y'all are just who I thought might share space well!


If you would like to join this challenge, here are the rules:

--Take a picture of yourself working on Steemit, or what you see while you work on Steemit.

--Tag 5 Steemians in your post.

--Use the #behindthecurtain


After I attempt to be social up at the house with a group dinner, for the rest of my evening I plan on curling up with some note-taking worthy books by the fire. I think Doogan has the same idea.

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