Fifty-word short story challenge - "water"

The week's 50-word story prompt is a regular courtesy of @jayna - Thank you for providing it!

The prompt for this week is “water.” The guidelines and the post you can find here.


"Is the river still the same one you threw that stone into five minutes ago?"
"No," answered the young novice, cooling his feet in the water.
"It's already a different river from the one I threw the stone into."
"What are you then?"

I often write about life as a process. To make a process visible it's best to visualize something which moves. Moving waters, for me, is a synonym for rapid change and so I thought it is a very short way to transport the message that also human life can be seen as a flow where things change within every minute. Only, we do not perceive the "fastness" of it.

To acknowledge a significant message, people do usually not listen to ordinary people but to those they feel they can trust. The master is a figure making it reasonable to find in him a reliable source for wisdom. In fact, we are inclined to believe someone who cannot fall for corruption. The visibility of a chosen lifestyle supports to spot such a figure.

A monk, for example, is known for devoting his life to other then worldly things, hence dropping money and status. A Bhikkhu, a Buddhist beggar monk roaming the land is the one who is most credible when it comes to teaching. His robe identifies him as one of his own, making it easier to recognise the label of his designation.

Here, I have a really interesting video for you:

Thank you for visiting.

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