Steemit Wishes 2018 CHALLENGE #1- What is your wish list for 2018? [20 USD to win]!

Dear steemians,

First at all, Merry Christmas to all the steemians of the world !!!

I hope you are well and have a good holiday ...
In a few days we will start a NEW YEAR! Like every year, I take stock of the previous year and I try to improve my life. I believe that what helps me move forward and always do better are my goals. I make lists and I write what is important for me in the short, medium and long-term.
The year 2017 was for me, very eventful and full of changes! I came out of my "comfort zone" and changed my country, work, diet, life in a few ways ^^.

I went through difficult times but thanks to steemit, I realized that I could do something good every day. It's a real pleasure to share with you moments of my life, recipes, photos, trips ...

Every day, since September 2017, I wake up and think "what am I going to share with them today?"
So I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for your support! And to thank you, I would like to play a little game with you.

I share my wish list for 2018 and then it's up to you!

My wish list 2018

  • the best for people I love
  • to be in a good health
  • surround me with the right people
  • go see "Ed Sherann" in concert ^^
  • see a show of "Cirque du soleil"
  • travel and dance as much as possible!
  • become Steemit's spokesperson in Barcelona and bring people together!
  • steem and bitshares to the moon ^^
  • and most importantly, see my life in PINK!

A last little secret ... My dream would be to go see the flamingos on Aruba Island and write a wonderful blog on this adventure!
It's up to you to play my friends! Be imaginative and sincere. Think with your heart, sincerity always wins! ;)

The most creative wish list for 2018 WINS 20 USD !!

Winner - 20 $
Second place - 10 $
Third place - 5 $


  • Write a list of 5 wishes minimum
  • Post your list in comment below (in English, French or Spanish)
  • The end of the challenge will be December 31 at midnight (Western European Time Zone).
  • Each user has 1 entry that will be considered for the challenge.

To validate your participation, I will copy and paste your wish list into a new blog. If you do not want it, thank you to specify it in a comment.

I am the only judge, so everyone has a chance! The winners will be appointed on January 1, 2018

If you enjoyed reading this blog, don't hesitate to vote, comment and reestem! ;)

Thanks for your support and good luck!

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