Challenged @ merej99 day 8 Learning from life, your defect can be your best virtue

Fuente: Pixabay

Hello dear friends of steemit, thank you for being present on my blog and accompanying with reading my post. This legend is inspired by "a legend of the two vessels" Navigating the web I cross with this beautiful legend, speaks of the life of an old vessel that was thought to be useless, however will discover that it was much more useful and productive than She believed, a beautiful story that begins like this.

Although this work is inspired by an existing legend, there are sections of it that corresponds to my personal life, my province of Corrientes was always punished by the rulers took too long to become a city with all services.

To give you an idea, in 1978 there was no drinking water network in the city, there were some public jugs distributed throughout the city, some people were favored by the proximity of these supplies, others had to walk more than ten blocks in search of water.

This situation was a business opportunity for those people who knew how to earn the money to contribute in the home, at that time I was 10 years old, but with the reasoning of a person of 15 years.

Some people charged to bring water to the house, in my case I saw the opportunity of business in the city cemetery, I got up very early and with some 5 liter oil pots carried the water to the cemetery and sold to relatives They visited their loved ones.

My service consisted of cleaning the vases, putting new water, cleaning the glass and removing all the vegetation growing around the graves. My work was very appreciated by the relatives, some contracted a daily maintenance service, this was a beautiful experience, I do not want to bore you any more with my life stories, I invite you to continue reading this legend.

Many years ago in a small town lived a very humble person, lived thanks to his ingenuity to sell water in the cemetery, at that time there was no drinking water, all the water in the city was obtained in small cisterns, this does not Was the exception for the cemetery.

The situation of the village gave the business opportunity to this person, his business was to sell water to relatives who attended the cemetery to visit his dead, water was essential to place in the vases to keep the flowers.

The man lived retired from the cemetery, every day he had to walk a long way with two water vessels on his shoulders, his routine was to carry the two vessels loaded with water early, sell the water in the cemetery and at the end of the day Return home with empty vessels.

This activity was done by man since he was a child, some of the vessels accompanied him from the beginning, had worked side by side with his master, the use and passage of the years had slowly worn out, even caused some cracks Where he let a few threads of water escape, yet the other was a relatively new vessel, its state kept the water perfectly.

The new vessel watched as the old vessel let out these threads of water, this was a matter of competition and mockery, he was responsible for making her know that she was perfect, the work she did was perfection, her master had acquired it so that Helped him to carry water to the cemetery and she fulfilled its mission to the letter.

Hearing these words, the old vessel was demoralized, it was observed and gave reason to his partner, was cracked, discolored and old, but what worried him most was that he lost money to his master, the waters that he was letting fall In his step was lost money for his master, motivated by this situation, the vessel spoke to his master and said.

How sorry, my dear friend! We've been walking together for many years, but I think it's about time you get yourself another new partner, you have no idea how I feel about not being able to efficiently fulfill my job, every step we take, through my cracks I'm leaving Falling a thread of water, I am aware that this means loss of money for you.

The man listening to his voice understood nothing, he thought he was going crazy, could not believe that a pot of clay was talking, I listen carefully to the words of his old friend, at the end I take the floor and said.

I am very sorry to hear that you feel bad! But let me tell you one thing, every master, every friend, every patron or whatever you want to call me, we have the mission to go observe our collaborators and go looking for a way to make the most of the situation.

I want you to know that you do not make me lose money for the loss of water, on the contrary, you are about to make me much more money than I have won all my life and when that time will be rewarded, I will repair you new and me You will be able to accompany for many more years.

The old vessel looked surprised, it did not understand a word of what the man said

Sorry, my dear friend, to be honest, I do not understand a word of what you say!

Do not worry, I'll show you back home! The man said

In the afternoon they set out for home, and when they left the city they entered an alley of land, and the man took his vessel in his hands and showed the ground.

Look! Do you see those flowers? The man said to his old vessel

If I see them, how beautiful they are! I answer the pot

I want you to know that those beautiful flowers you have made!

Okay now that you've seen them I'll tell you one thing

As time passed and I saw your small cracks I began to think about how to make the most of the situation and make it a useful vessel, with the money from the sale of water buy seeds from hundreds of varieties of flowers and I sowed in the way of the side of which you come every day.

Without you notice it every day with the thread of water that you drop, you have been watering the seeds, which slowly have sprouted and begun to grow, all these beautiful flowers that you have made them alone, you are responsible Of all this beauty.

We are a few days after these beautiful flowers are in a position to be collected, when I do I will take them to the cemetery and sell to the people who attend, with these sales we will earn money and I will make you rebuild the new and all this thanks to your excellent Work you have been doing

The old vessel prided itself on the magnificent work it had done, it had to be recognized that it was the most beautiful flowers it had ever seen, then began to think carefully about the man's words and draw the following conclusion.

"Everyone in this life has the ability to do wonderful things even if we are not perfect. Actually, no one is. It is necessary to think that even of our defects we can bring good things for ourselves and for the good of others "

When I read this legend for the first time I liked it very much, even if it sounds like a simple story, if you read it carefully you will notice that it leaves a good teaching, that can be applied in many areas of our life.

All my life I work in a relationship of dependence, during my working years I have had thousands of collaborators and on more than one occasion I cross with people who thought themselves useless for the work that had to perform.

In these occasions I took a moment to tell you this legend, made them see that we could all do anything we proposed, that we should learn in life, even the worst of your defect can be your best virtue.

I hope it has been to your liking.


It is notorious that our community is growing, every day we meet new partners who come to our platform, for this reason I want to put the foot of my post with some useful information.

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In the platform there are many users who present different types of jobs, there are for all preferences, for a matter of quantity I will just name some of them that I recommend you to visit:
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I would like to be able to give you more information of the users but as I said before there are many of them, then in time you will discover for yourself.

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I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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