Challenged @ merej99 day 9 Warning: if you are overweight you can not miss this post

Fuente: Pixabay

Hello dear friends of steemit, thank you for being present in my blog and accompanying with the reading of my post, surfing the web I cross with information that I call my attention, although I was aware that obesity was one of the Diseases that have grown the most, had no idea that the rates were very high.

During my childhood and throughout my adolescence I was a thin person, I always kept the weight stable according to my height, everything began to change when I first donate blood for a person who needed me group and factor.

For many people it is a myth, Donate Blood Fat! In my case coincidentally I began to have overweight after donating blood for the first time since then and to date it was always a real sacrifice to maintain the weight.

The weight contends I had during my life made me try different types of diets, the diet that gave me the best result was the carbohydrate diet, the first time I had the need to diet was shortly after I got married , On that occasion he had gained more than forty kilograms.

To lower those kilos I did it with the help of a professional, an Oriental technique that consisted of a medicine that supplied small doses of the ingredients that were not allowed to consume, this combined with a diet of carbohydrates, the final results were seen to the few months , With this diet I kept for more than ten years.

People who suffer from obesity have to be clear that we must have a healthy lifestyle, always eat things that are healthy for our body, in my case I should not eat white flour and its derivatives, sugar, alcoholic beverages, Meats vaccine.

In these last two years I stopped respecting these life behaviors and consequently fattening more than 30 kilograms, a few days ago I contacted a medical professional, a medical surgeon who is dedicated in the field of nutrition, I met with him and I was able to appreciate the good results that he achieves with his diet technique, take turns and I have my first professional consultation before the end of July.

Beyond the aesthetic problem that this represents, are the health problems that it entails being treading the two obesity level, such as cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, partial loss of sight, fatigue, what else I was motivated to begin this diet had to do with the present report that I invite you to read.

In the last binary, obesity has increased considerably in the population, grew by "100 million" in the face of this situation the world is worried and it is not for less the "12%" of the elderly and the "5%" of The children are suffering from obesity, in my "Argentina" the figures are even more alarming the "23%" of the elderly and "6.3%" of the children suffer from this disease.

My nation's figures are not only above world averages, they have also grown considerably with respect to the previous data of the year 2012-2013, which at the time were in the population of 20.8%, with an increase of 11% For children the figures were 6.1% with an increase of 3.5%.

Of the total of the people with obesity the "57.9%" are people "older than 18 years" of age and "33.9%" are children and young people that go from the "11 to 17" years of age, in my country "Argentina "" 6.5 million "elderly and 780,000 children and young people suffer from the disease of obesity.

Apparently this is a disease that should worry the region a lot, although Argentina's rates are high, it is below Mexico and Venezuela in older "obese" and "Brazil and Venezuela" in children and adolescents.

These data were revealed by the "Institute for Measurement and Health Assessment (IHME), United States" concluding with an alert to the world population, the disease of overweight and obesity increasingly progresses as "cause of death ".

The most alarming of the situation comes with the publication of the "New England Journal of Medicine" where it publishes a report supplied at the "Stockholm Food EAT Fair" in the year 2015 "4 million people died" Due to problems related to weight, of which "1.6 million" individuals or "40%" died because they were "overweight". It is worth pointing out that the causes of death are not only affecting people with obesity problems, but also people with "overweight".

"It is a growing and alarming global public health crisis," the international consortium of more than 2,000 researchers from 195 countries published in the study known as the Global Burden of Illness (GDB) by the IHME, an independent institute With headquarters at the University of Washington. This survey covering the period 1980-2015 was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. "

The results of this research determined that in the "last 25 years" the community of people suffering from obesity changed from "2100 to 2200" million, another fact to highlight is that since the year "1980" to date there are "73 countries" Of the 195 surveyed have doubled their level of obesity, both in children and in the elderly, these

"Coexist with an avoidable risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, a dozen cancers, musculoskeletal disorders and kidney disease"

The most relevant data are: "United States" is the country with the most children with this problem, has "13%" of its population of children and young people and "26.5%" of elderly people involved with the problem of "obesity" While "Egypt" is the country that the oldest are obese with 35% of its inhabitants.

Obesity also affects "15.3 million" people from "China" to "14.4" million inhabitants of "India" and "79.4 million" individuals from "the United States"

Having read this impressive report, it is difficult to ignore these world indexes that affect many people, as I said I am a person prone to gain weight and growing more and more, also with the passing of the years it costs me more to go down Weight, even to maintain my weight.

What reason to consult a professional and take turns with the doctor was the last words of doctor "Christopher Murray"

"People who shrug their shoulders at weight gain should know that they do so at their own risk. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases are threatening their lives," said Christopher Murray, lead author of the study And director of the IHME. "

If you suffer from this disease and after reading this report What are you going to do with your overweight? I for my part start the month of August with diet and resume my lifestyle, as I said, when you suffer from this disease should understand that maintaining weight is a Lifestyle.

I hope it has been to your liking.


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I would like to be able to give you more information of the users but as I said before there are many of them, then in time you will discover for yourself.

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I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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