Fractal Writing Contest#1 - winners get to keep their souls! (and a few SBDs)

Yes, a Contest! Last week, a great writer, @drwatson, had a revelation in dreams induced by the Great Old Ones: what if the sanity of viewers & readers was challenged directly? No more would they just witness the infinite madness of the Outer Gods, now they could shape it in the most personal way!

The Contest

Each post in this contest series will contain a fractal, a 2-dimensional representation of a complex mathematical formula. The participants have to post a comment with something inspired by the fractal, be it just a title, a haiku, a story, whatever.


  • You have to reply with a comment in the contest post.
  • The reply must be inspired by the fractal, but no explanation needed.
  • Any kind of content is acceptable: just a title, a haiku, a poem, a short story, a painting, a photo, a video, a doodle, whatever. The content must be yours, no links to other people's work accepted.
  • I will pick the best reply, when the post expires (1 week after posting it).
  • The winner gets half the SBD made in the post, minimum 1 SBD.
  • Upvotes and resteems are welcomed, but not necessary to participate.

Fractal for Contest #1:

right-click -> "open in new tab" for detailed view

by @nyarlathotep

A fractal made in JWildFire
(right-click -> "open in new tab" for detailed view)

3 columns
2 columns
1 column