Let's change things up! The POSITIVE STEEMIT challenge!


Because I am a neurotic happy slithering snake, I want to rub that amazing feeling off on all Steemians today, tomorrow, the whole week and the rest of this year! In all honesty, I want them all to feel amazing for the rest of forever and three days!

Complaining is HUMAN nature! Our brain is set that way for some reason! We always spot the things that are not right, feel off or a mismatch between what we want and what we perceive we’re getting. We need this kind of human behavior for our survival. But this also means we always notice more wrong than right!

Let's reset our brain for the sake of Steemit Happiness!

I think it's time for a little turnaround, a flip over, an exit to a new road after driving on the same roundabout for six days, seven hours and sixteen minutes! Time to focus on something else than what is wrong with Steemit! Yes, I do know the wrong should be addressed and pointed out! BUT, there should also be time to see the GOOD!



Here is the deal, the moment of truth, that split second in time we all have been waiting for! ( Oh, come on! Let me add some dramatic effect will ya!)

I hereby challenge you all to take some time, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, a day or even a week, to sit down and think about everything you LOVE/LIKE about Steemit!

Shocking! I know, I understand if you need to have a drink right now! Some ice-cream perhaps with a cookie? It's okay, take your time to let this sink in!

FOCUS! ((Snaps tail)) Good, that's better! So, after thinking about the positive things you see, feel, hear and read here on the platform you can make a nice list, a reply to this post or even better, a FULL POST about the positive side of Steemit on your BLOG!

What can you win?

Every challenge needs a prize and trust me, I have been thinking very hard about this part! You see, I want to hand over a prize so good that you will never forget it! A prize you will always carry with you in your heart! So, I made a list of possible prizes to win!

The LIST of lists!

*A hairdryer.
*A Lambo...
*An apple.
*A pencil.
*A lifetime membership to a club.
None of these prizes made me feel like they were good enough for the winner ( YOU!) or winners ( All of you). So, I took a nap and woke up with the best prize ever in my mind! This will be the BEST prize you have ever won in your whole life!


If you WIN this challenge you will WIN......
Yes you will win a Happy feeling, nothing more nothing less!

Tadaaaaaa, I bet you did not see that coming right? But trust me, it's the best prize you can ever win!
I hope to see all of you enter this challenge!
Because you know what? It's worth it to also see the positive!

Best wishes and good luck!

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