Ten Truths and One Lie Challenge



I was nominated by @snook to take the ten truths and one lie challenge. I agree with her that coming up with a believable lie was very hard. Though I doubt most people will believe most of the truths, since I can barely believe most of them myself.

Since this challenge is very difficult, I will also be awarding 0.5 SBD to the first person to correctly guess the one lie.

I have been on Steemit for 172 days, so most of you should know me by now right???

Below are my 10 truths, and one lie for this challenge.


  1. Every Summer our family would visit Myrtle Beach in South Carolina for vacation. One summer we found a dead shark on the beach, and I put my foot in its mouth.

  2. I was visiting my Aunt and Uncle in New Jersey while my Uncle was preaching at a church across the street from the beach. I went by myself to the beach, went into the water, and then got my leg stuck on a cable under the peer and nearly died. I never told them.

  3. When I was little my parents left my older brother in charge. We were all playing outside. I went in the house locked all the doors and windows. When my brothers tried to get in the house it was locked. I said, “Don’t worry I got a q-tip.” One of our doors in the house could be unlocked with a q-tip and I thought you could open all doors with it. They had to ask the neighbor for a key to get in the house.

  4. When I was 14 I begged my mother to take me to modeling classes. I went for 5 weeks, learned how to do my make-up, pose for photos, and walk the runway. I was a natural at doing the t-turn.

  5. When I was 15 I ran away to Florida with my friend and some guys she met. On the way there we stopped at a truck stop in Georgia and some trucker offered the guys we were with $50.00 to buy me. The guys declined.

  6. I was an extra for the movie King Pin, when they filmed the movie in my town. I got to see Woody Harrelson. He made the crew find him green apples. There was a snow storm that night, and we barely made it home from the bowling alley where they were filming.

  7. When I was in my teens, I wanted to learn to drive, so I took the keys to my mom’s car and was trying to move it up one spot on the street. I hit the gas too hard in reverse and hit some dude’s very nice old car. The dude tried to pay his sister to beat me up, but she said I was too young.

  8. One night after a Penguins play-off game, my drunk friends and I decided to go 4-wheeling. I had to go to the bathroom, so we stopped in the woods. I didn’t want to pee in front of them, so I thought I would pee behind a tree. The tree was growing out of a 40 ft cliff. I walked off the cliff and knocked out all my front teeth.

  9. I auditioned for America’s Got Talent and made it to the second round. The judges said my voice was too squeaky, and that I couldn’t hit the high notes. I was very depressed and vowed never to sing again.

  10. The night I was going to church to be baptized we got in to a car accident. My father was mad and said nothing was going to stop him from getting his youngest child baptized. We made it to the church, they sprinkled holy water on my head. I spent most of my youth in church learning Bible Scriptures.

  11. I auditioned for the Steel City Angels dance company when I was 19. The lady who runs the dance company said I made it because she liked my smile. I couldn’t dance much, and after one year, I was awarded the most improved dancer trophy.


Anyone who would like to join in the fun can do it. You do not need to be nominated. But since I have to opportunity to keep this challenge going, I will nominate @graceleon, @scuzzy, @discordiant, @crimsonclad, and @kubbyelizabeth.

Here are the rules for the 10 Truths and A Lie Challenge:

Please tag me if you make a 10 Truths & A Lie post so I can come and read it and make a guess! You don't have to offer a prize or anything, I just really enjoy reading them and getting to know you all better! Use the "tenfactsonelie" tag so others can find you! ~ @byn


P.S.- Jesus loves you!!


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