Sndbox Challenge 1 - Where is Your Favorite Place to Create?


Cultivating a Sense of Place

As the Sndbox community grows, we want to introduce more community-centric activities that help members get to know each other and engage Steemit community as a whole. Today, we'll be trying out the first of our “Sndbox Challenge.” We hope these posts will serve as a community-building exercises as well as a means to grow a creative pool of content.

It'll work like this:

  1. Sndbox will share a theme and short description. Examples include “What is your Favorite Memory” or “What’s the Weirdest Spot in Your City.”

  2. Steemians can participate by writing a post following the template provided that lays out post structure, questions to answer, and what media (photos, videos, etc.) to include.

  3. Post the content with provided titles and the #sndbox tag. Link your post in this comment section.

  4. Select challenge entries will be given a partial upvote (percentage dependent on number of entries) and included in a near-future publication / post by Sndbox.

We welcome you to offer your critiques, suggestions and any ideas that will make this a productive activity for the Steemit community. Let’s try out our first challenge!


All of us are content creators and curators that tap into critical and creative thinking to generate our posts. Every so often, we seek places of refuge to refuel our inspiration. These range from favorite cafes to city parks to unknown nooks wherever you live. In this week’s challenge, we want to hear about where you come up with your work and Steemit content.

Challenge Template:

  • One Image (sized @ 1000px by 600px) of your "place"

  • ## Your Place
    Tell us about your favorite place - Where is it? What goes on there? What makes it special to you?

  • ## Inspiration
    What about this place inspires your work and ideas on Steemit? Tell us about your - ideas, memories, friendships…

Looking forward to your Favorite Places! Be sure to add #sndbox in your tags!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column