Challenge30: Making China Great Again

China on the rise again?
This might indeed be the legacy Trump leaves behind when he vacates the Office of POTUS.
Not only is he keeping some of the brightest people out,
but he will end up having to import shit loads of Dumb Robots from China.


China it seems has gone Robot mad.
After seeing the writing on the wall as Vietnam and India came online with cheaper labor.
The Boss men in China have been pumping $billions into making Industrial Robots.

Here I 'm worrying about Replicators and they sock you with Dumb & Dumber Car welders.

I worked in Copenhagen as a Shipbuilder of sorts, for Burmeister & Wain
Building double hull 80,000 ton Bulk Carriers.
Until it was taken down by, you guessed it, a greedy American Bank.
And they invested in Robotic Welders.
I learned to Program the first that was used at the yard.
We could never get them to weld an, Under-Up Weld, as it was called.
But the rest they preformed fantastic and at speed.

That Robot Welder was the same Motoman type, shown in the first Terminator movie.

During our training phase, I remember the trainer looking at his monitor and then looking up at the Robot.
His famous words of wisdom where, "The Robot will only preform programmed actions. So is, as you will see, completely harmless."
Then he hit the start button.
And the Robot leaped into action.
Moving at an incredible speed, it proceeded to demolish the metal platform stairs, the trainer had forgotten to take away.

I could see the panic in his eyes as he kept looking at his Monitor, in disbelieve.
Showing the graphics of a Robot, minus the metal platform stairs.
And the reality in front of him.
A Robot Welding machine moving at a Jackie Chan blistering speed.
Smashing his metal platform to bits, that was in its way.
Somebody had the presence of mind to turn the bloody thing off.

We where all a bit shell shocked by the experience.
This thing was a potential killer.
And the speed of it was unnatural.
Which pretty much defines a Robot Welding Arm.

But back to our story.
It looks like we will be swamped by a Tsunami of Dumb Chinese Robots.
Taking jobs away from the:
Make America Great Again Hoi Polloi.

And their first job will be to build that wall.

Welcome to the Machine!

Read On:

How to Make America’s Robots Great Again

Factories play a central role in President Trump’s parade of American horrors. In his telling, globalization has left our factories “shuttered,” “rusted-out” and “scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation.”

Here’s what you might call an alternative fact: American factories still make a lot of stuff. In 2016, the United States hit a manufacturing record, producing more goods than ever. But you don’t hear much gloating about this because manufacturers made all this stuff without a lot of people. Thanks to automation, we now make 85 percent more goods than we did in 1987, but with only two-thirds the number of workers.

This suggests that while Mr. Trump can browbeat manufacturers into staying in America, he can’t force them to hire many people. Instead, companies will most likely invest in lots and lots of robots.

And there’s another wrinkle to this story: The robots won’t be made in America. They might be made in China.

Industrial robots — which come in many shapes and perform a range of factory jobs, from huge, precisely controlled arms used to build cars to graceful machines that package delicate pastries — were invented in the United States. But in the last few years the Chinese government has spent billions to turn China into the world’s robotic wonderland.

In 2013, China became the world’s largest market for industrial robots, according to the International Federation of Robotics, an industry trade group. Now China is working on another big goal: to become the largest producer of robots used for factories, agriculture and a range of other applications.

Robotics industry experts said that goal could be a decade away, but they see few impediments to China’s eventual dominance.

Read the Whole Article:

Images from Pixabay

Challenge 30 is a 30 day writing challenge issued by @dragosroua to write and post every day in January.

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