Runaway Rhymes: Can't Do This Anymore

This poem is twofold. It's my example poem for the Runaway Rhymes poetry competition I am starting: New Runaway Rhymes Poetry Competition

And it is my first piece of writing for Challenge30 where I have accepted the challenge to write something everyday for 30 days 30 Days Writing Challenge

Can't do This Anymore

You cannot be here any more
Our children I do adore
But you, I now abhor.

Once you were my life
I was happy to be your wife.
Now I'm your trouble and strife.

You make me doubt the world around me
You've put me in a cage and thrown the key
Now I've got my wits back, I want to be free

In this last year, things have got worse
So much so, I had to put it in verse
Unfortunately, there is no reverse

Yes, I 've withdrawn my love and affection
I no longer need your type of protection
Or your type of love on reflection.

The things you do, the things you say
Are snipes and gripes anyway
You are toxic and I am your prey.

Yes you can blame me if you like,
Eight years a go I was a bike

I tried to make it up to you
With everything I do
But you still treat me like poo

Okay, I probably didn't do enough
But with two small kids and stuff
Life has been pretty tough.

You still drink and disappear all night
Get angry and get in a fight
Every time it is not right.

We have two young children remember?
Does that not invoke a loving ember?

Oh no, they make too much noise
A 3 & 5 year old playing with their toys?
This attitude sucks and destroys.

We all walk around on eggshells
Living our lives being rebels
Trying not to raise hells bells

If not divorce, more social services?
More nights of finger biting nervousness?
Am I to be merciful or merciless?

I'm tired of all the drama
I'll have to live with the karma
And begin to see the world in panorama

We are an amalgamation of promises unkept
A plethora of lines overstepped
It is over. We must accept.


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