The Swans are Calling Me - Challenge 30 - #01


I wrote a post yesterday, looking back to the end of 2015, with some vague thoughts about writing in 2017, and then in my feed this morning I found @dragosroua's #challenge30, and his post about making a plan

My Plan (beta):

  • Firstly, to take screenshots during my #duolingo session, to do this session as early as possible, and to use these screenshots as :
    1 Weird titles for my posts
    2 Writing ideas
    3 A commitment to keeping up with the Duolingo.

  • To finish one of the books on my Kindle before I get @dragosroua's ebook. Doing #challenge30 will keep this in my mind.

  • Drink less coffee, as I haven't been sleeping well.



I have not seen a swan in Rabat, but everyday there is some noble bird or another scything the sky. This morning, as I sat down on the veranda, a largish falcon flew past at the bottom of the road. At school tomorrow there will storks in the afternoon. The weather is fine and there might be a thermal for them. It looks to me as if they are playing.


I watched some videos about coffee yesterday, and not really wanting to give up the stuff, had a half dose: I slept much better, but woke up this morning with a caffeine headache. So today's cup ...


You see the thing was that after I'd taken out a small dose, like yesterday, there was just such a little bit left in the packet, not enough for even a weak cup, and it seemd so untidy to leave it in there, the packet now so light that it might blow away, get lost in the back of the cupboard, and I hate waste, that I tipped just that little bit more into the cup. And drank it with three dates.

I drank a very strong cup today.


And here is another screenshot, cropped, from Duolingo.


I would love to translate my poems into Russian, and post them on Golos. Maybe one day.


I have spent, in the writing of this post, too long with links and photos. I hope to find more of a balance, produce more text, as the month passes.

Thank you for reading @richardjuckes

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