A Time to Take Stock

It is another time to take stock of your life to make headway in the upcoming new season. This helps you to avoid a repeat of having the same mediocre trajectory, pitfalls, and undesirable results you got in 2017.

Image Courtsey: miotto-design.com

Many people are mistaken to think that the mere change of a calendar year would mean or translate to change of their lives' fortunes. Inevitably, reality later dawns on them that the status quo of the previous year still persist in their lives despite them being in a new season.

Reckon that it is not a dawn of a new season or a new year that will spruce up the quality of your life. But, taking an inventory of your life in order to rectify what's not working in it, changing its course and adjusting your sails in order to steer the ship of your life towards your envisioned future and desired shores of a glorious destiny.

Take home success gem.

Not taking stock of their lives regularly is what has made many people to have the change of a calendar year without experiencing the desired changes in their lives. Consequently, they remain the same, behave the same and experience the same life results and remain on the same social, economic or career strata, year after year. Thus, they remain stagnant year after year as if their lives are cast in stone.

Success Nugget for the day.

Avoid the folly of doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results. Take stock of your life, erase what isn't working and extricate yourself from associations and environments that thwart your success or growth. Then, invest in your self all round and aim for the stars in this dawning new year to accentuate your proficiency and success in your life vocation to ensure you ascend and at least land on the moon if you miss the aimed stars.

Success Nuggets with Provider Gumbo, An International Certified Life Coach.

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