What have you, Steemit?

It has barely been a month since John mentioned that he's got an approval for Steemit. I had no idea what it was then. He just said, just write whatever you want. He kind of just gave me the idea that it's blogging but made fun with money. I thought that was interesting.

We hopped in, read a few posts here and there and started with our introduceyourself post. As it is his account and I will be writing, I thought, why not make it a family blog? Afterall, it has always been our first on our lists.

I always kept a diary with me while growing up. I had articles written that were kept in shoeboxes because I was too shy to submit it to our school newspaper. I used to hate having to send email that should have a lot of people copied just because I never felt confident about writing. Until people noticed my emails and colleagues started to ask me to write the emails they need to send too.


So what are you Steemit? Although John says just write whatever, I still feel like I'm trying to figure this out. Like what do people here want to read. Or, if there are rules I must've missed reading. Why are some of my posts getting more upvotes than the others?

This is me learning about Steemit and understanding why they say it is magic. This is me and my shot at @dragosroua's #challenge30days. This is me introducing my random thougts for 30 days.

Tell me about your Steemit thougts. I'm more than glad to accept and learn from them.

Thanks for reading!

Jonah (and John)

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