Start New Year right at #challenge30days

@dragosroua is sponsoring a challenge the first 30 days of the new year to post and write about a topic that is of interest to you / something you are curious about. What could be easier than that? As a bonus he will 100% upvote 3 posts each day to people that have been continuously participating each day. What could be cooler than that?

One point of clarification @dragosroua, do we have to write on the same topic each day, or can we kind of wander around or post about a general area of topics? My mind tends to wander, especially as I'm trying to figure our what the heck I want to post about each day... seems like things go in phases.

Peace in 2018 @clumsysilverdad

more info about challenge at: @dragosroua/let-s-start-2018-with-a-bang-join-me-in-a-30-days-writing-challenge-during-january

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