Dreaming In Shades of Green...Yearning for Spring

Don't get me wrong, I do love the Holiday Season! I'm a lover of the excitement and hopefulness that I feel in those around me, and the smiles are many and shared. When Christmas is over, and the candy cane excitement wanes, I'm ready to get past New Year's and move on to the next year's adventures! Not quite sure what I'm expecting, but it's a constant! LOL

One thing that is a certainty, is my focus on new growth. For me, this manifests in a huge desire to get my hands in the planting soil. I'm looking out the kitchen window; the sun is shining, as though to fool me! Calling, "Jeani, Come out and play!" (OK, did any of you just hear The Lost Boys?) Yeah...you aren't fooling me! It sure wasn't anywhere near balmy when I fed the animals!

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So, for today...and this week...I'll have to be content to play indoors. And look out the window. And plan. That could be dangerous! But, I have seeds to go through, ideas to refine, new things to learn...we'll be fine!

This group of scallions will be the first addition to Reclamation Garden 2018. I have a penchant for growing things that would, normally, be thrown away. Scallion bottoms, onion butts, celery bottoms, wilted tomatillos and tomatoes...this year, I'll try planting my ginger root scraps. What could it hurt?

Scallions are my number one, favorite thing to re-grow. The guy in the window will give us fresh scallions in the kitchen until it's warm enough to move to the garden.

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This group was from the first planting of 2017. I picked the celery after it grew, but the scallions are still growing strong. As I harvest only the tops, they're the Energizer Bunny of the Reclamation Garden, for sure! They just keep on growing and growing! I do have some that have been in production for over 2 years! Amazing, my green scallion friends are!

So, as I embrace the tenacity of the scallion, I'll close for today. Enjoy the first day of the New Year, 2018, fellow Steemians. May happiness and prosperity smile on you this year!

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