[CN/EN]幫助弱勢、支持教育、發展藝術……但苦無資金?來Fundition吧!Fundition微信群開張了!Help the poor, Support Education, Develop Art, but no money? Join Fundition! We now have the Fundition Wechat Group!

Chinese 中文







(photo source: pixabay.com)



在這個大環境下: Fundition應運而生了。Fundition是一個全新的區塊鏈眾籌平台,它與其他眾籌平台最大的分別就是,Fundition不收取佣金,不收取行政費,這代表著每一位贊助者的資金都會全額到達項目建立者的手中,沒有一分浪費。更多Fundition的介紹,可看我之前的一篇文章:[CN/EN] 推介給Steemit中文區的絕妙平台,全新區塊鏈眾籌平台 – Fundition / The Best Crowdfunding Platform - Fundition


雖然Fundition只是一個很年輕的平台,但已得到了1,000,000 SP的代理,擁有幫助大家實現項目建設的能力,餘下的,就只有大家的參與。我是Fundition的中文區代理,故我特別希望中文區的各位都一起來加入這個美好的平台,你們不一定需要創建項目,就算是贊助、或點贊,都已是對平台及項目創辦人很大的鼓勵。







Did you have a dream?

Charity: to help orphans, to support poor community or to protect animals?

Education: to help kids out of school, or provide essential equipment for poor school?

Innovation: having an idea and to develop an innovation project to build a better world?

Art: promote the art you love, no matter music, dance, photography or novel, just to let people around you having a better mental life?

(photo source: pixabay.com)


We all had a dream. We all have a dream. We all have some ideas to make the world better, to build the future of the world. But we lack the most important element: funding, capital, or just money. I also had a dream: I wish to build a fund that support young people to develop in the performing art industry, an industry ignored by the HK society, an industry we regard as “can’t make money”. I didn’t proceed with my dream. One reason: I have no money.

So here we have Fundition. Fundition is a new born crowdfunding platform based on blockchain technology. The main difference between Fundition and other crowdfunding platform is Fundition doesn’t take any charge of commission or admin fee. It means that every dollar of donation goes to the fund of projects. You may take a look at my post about Fundition: [CN/EN] 推介給Steemit中文區的絕妙平台,全新區塊鏈眾籌平台 – Fundition / The Best Crowdfunding Platform - Fundition


Although Fundition is young, it got 1M delegation already, proving the potential of Fundition and its ability to help project founders. What Fundition lack is you, your participation. I am the Chinese ambassador of Fundition and I wish all members from CN may join this great platform together! Founding a project is not a must to join. You can also act as a backer, supporter or collaborator. It’s also a great support to the platform as well as founders.

To provide a more convenient discuss between CN members, Fundition opened a Wechat group:


Just scan the QR code and join the group! You can feel free to chat in the group no matter providing suggestions, asking questions, or meeting friends!

One more point. Fundition may help members who are week in English to open new projects. Although it’s still just a rough planning, we are willing to help in translation. So you can start a project in Chinese and we can work out together about the English. For more questions and details about the translation, just join the Wechat group!

Okay! What I want you to do is just joining the Wechat group hahahaha. Come on! Don’t think too much! Join it! Join us! Surprises are waiting for you!!!



Thanks for spending your time to read my articles. I like to share stories of Hong Kong. I wish you may support me and I will keep going!


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://aaronli.vornix.blog/2018/07/06/cn-en%e5%b9%ab%e5%8a%a9%e5%bc%b1%e5%8b%a2%e3%80%81%e6%94%af%e6%8c%81%e6%95%99%e8%82%b2%e3%80%81%e7%99%bc%e5%b1%95%e8%97%9d%e8%a1%93%e4%bd%86%e8%8b%a6%e7%84%a1%e8%b3%87%e9%87%91/

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