Animal-shelter weekly review (15.05-21.05.2017)

Thank you  @kidsysco,  @karenb54, @inber  and @steevc for their donations!


 Thanks to your support, we were able to purchase the next part of feed (including therapeutical) for our dogs. 

We took part in VideoChallenge with these posts (post 1 and post 2) and now we are waiting for results. Wish us good luck! 


Some of our dogs become a little ... thick. This is because they are sterilized. So they started their diet

Stork Sati is much better now. More and more often she gets up and tries to walk. 

The season of scrolls started!

 A baby crow. People have picked up, but now they do not know what to do. 

And a baby-thrush.He went for some time to our friend, biologist Sergei. 

A newcomer - a Thrush. He is not adapted to life in the wild nature and will remain in the shelter. 

And I want to introduce you a team who also helps animals and is new on Steemit - @smace! Hope you'll supporte them with your upvotes. They do a great work! 

I thank you once more for your help and support! We really appreciate it!

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