Few days ago i wrote about trying to clean up the community i grew up after visiting and seeing how messed up it is. I had a chat with @sircork (founder of @youarehope) he immediately took it up by donating 50steem instantly and also made a huge form of awareness for the post (he is still doing), this i will forever appreciate. I thought of preventing further cases of malaria so I provided mosquito nets and drugs which was deposited at a nearby clinic which they can pick up for free.

I showed them how to fix the net using one of the member of the community's room has shown below. (my phone camera is terrible, sorry about the quality of the images)



Did some fumigation and they continued on their on


In my previous post I mentioned a family losing their baby to malaria, so i decided to share the little I could afford with them, they were so happy to receive the items.


Later I found out the husband just lost his job which means the provision came at the perfect time.

We really don't know how our little can be mighty to others, I wish i had more to give but i have never felt this good about doing something for a fellow human like I felt doing this. Then I remember my lonely times when things were really terrible, when feeding was luxury. How i would walk on the streets of Abuja on empty stomachs with @tyrex. Things are a little bit better off now , but I believe you don't have to posses all the riches in the world in other to help others. Charity should be a lifestyle, we shouldn't get comfortable seeing our fellow man lack while we can do something about it. Steemit has inspired me to do more for my community, i see people here daily meeting other's needs and caring for the less privilege. There is so much blessing attached to charity, I made a move to clean up this community because the government will never do it.




Can't wait till I hear another child die of malaria or flood render so many families homeless before I take an action. I know we all don't have enough but if you can share the little you have with does who don't have at all it will go a long way in making the world a better place. I will be updating progress of the project, total clean up will start soon. Doing my part I challenge you to see steemit beyond making money and see it as an avenue to get resources to add value to the life of others (you won't regret it)
Kindly upvote, resteem (you can ask questions about the project, will be more than willing to answer). Thank you

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