Easy banana and chocolate cake

Hello, lovely steemians. I have been wanting to do this for a while and now I have a moment for it. @Tecnosgirl has come up with this lovely initiative and shared the posting key with me (@lindahas) so, today I am showing you how to make a cake! And it is for a good cause as well. My favorite charity school in Bangladesh is benefiting from every vote that you share on this post!

So, how about a yummy Chocolate and banana cake? I made this for my brothers birthday and he alone ate almost a half of the cake. My boyfriend had to live without the cake because he waited too long. It is a great treat that is also easy to make. There is some baking involved but even that is easy peasy lemon squeezy. :D

So, let's get into it!



For the bottom

Half a jar of condensed milk
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon drinking soda
2 eggs
5 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 glass sour cream
1 1/2 glases flour

For the cream on the top

500 ml sweet cream
1 tablespoon sugar
1 pack of cream stabilizer
5 bananas

For garnishing use tiny chocolate pieces!


So, let's get straight into it! Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Sift the flour into a larger bowl and add the soda, cocoa powder, and sugar

Gradually add eggs, sour cream, and condensed milk then mix everything together throughoutly

Put a baking sheet on the bottom of your cake form and lightly spread oil or butter on it


Pour the mixture into a cake form and put it in the oven for around 30 to 35 minutes.

Check the cake after the first 25 minutes(put in a wooden stick in the batter. If it sticks to the wood the batter is not ready).

My cake came out kind of wrong because I switched the heat off a little early. What I can say is, trust your gut and the old and proven stick method.


The batter should be light brownish in color. It is going to look the same when you take it out

While your cake is cooling down get to the sweet cream. I would suggest keeping it in the freezer for 30 minutes prior mixing

Put the cream in a bowl, add sugar, and whip it with a mixer. When it is close to fully mixed add the cream stabilizer

When the cream is whipped put it in the fridge if the cake bottom is not cold yet


If it is cold, peel your bananas (you can use more bananas) and put them on top of the cake bottom. The more bananas I have the happier I am :D

Then spread the whipped cream on top. It has to cover the bananas so they do not get brown

When all the cream is gone, sprinkle chocolate shavings all over. It will look marvelous (I forgot to take a picture of the full cake because we were busy eating it but I remedied the situation the next day when I remembered)


So, I hope you enjoyed! This is an easy cake for those on the go and in a hurry. It is also very delish even if you make a mistake here or there :D

Have the best day, today, tomorrow and forever,

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