Vote for the children of Syria this Christmas on Steemit

You can ease their suffering and it wont cost you a cent. Every vote will help make a difference to these children's lives.

How to Participate

  • Upvote this post.

I will transfer every penny of Steem Power from this post to UNICEF Ireland's Christmas appeal fund for the children of Syria.

The Appeal

Image Source

Details of how the funds donated will be used by UNICEF Ireland are available on their website.

Other ways to donate

  • Send funds to my Steemit account tagged with the memo "Syria Winter Appeal"
  • You can donate directly via the UNICEF Ireland website
    Please consider setting up a regular donation

How donations will work

Whatever funds earned from this post will appear in my Steemit wallet as Steem Power. I will transfer an equivalent amount of Euros, to the Steam Power earned from this post, from my bank account to UNICEF Ireland directly. I will also top up the donations raised personally with a donation of 5% of funds raised (capped at 200 Euro).

  • How I will prove donations?
    I will provide proof that I have transferred an equivalent Euro amount to UNICEF Ireland as raised by this post. As this is the first post of this kind I am making I am open to comments and suggestions as to how best to verify the donated funds.

  • When will I transfer funds to UNICEF?
    After 1 day there will be a payout from this post in Steem Power to my Steemit account. I will transfer an equivalent amount of funds to UNICEF from my bank account along with a personal donation.
    After 1 month there will be a second payout via Steemit which I will also transfer.

  • If I receive any direct transfers to my Steemit account I will transfer an equivalent amount at the same time as the post payouts. i.e. after 1 day or 1 month.

  • Transparency about the process
    I will post full details of how much was raised via Steemit, how it was transferred and a verification of the transfer in a follow up post. If anyone makes direct donations to UNICEF as a result of this Steemit Campagin and wishes to comment they can add comment on this post.

Motivations and about me

I currently live in Ireland and have been posting on Steemit for the last few months.

I am interested in helping out the Children of Syria for several reasons:

  • At human level it's hard not to be affected by the suffering of these innocent people and the horrendous stories and photos
  • I have fond memories of Syria and its people, where I spent time working as a teacher in the past
  • This Campaign/Steemit Event is my way of giving something small back to an amazing people who welcomed me into their homes, their lives and who have been ravaged by war for many years

In the interests of full disclosure I would like to call out that I am not an employee or affiliated in any way with UNICEF. This campaign is affiliated to UNICEF only in the sense that they have a winter appeal fund which I will be donating to on behalf of monies raised from this post through Steemit.

I dont normally ask but please upvote, promote and resteem this post and get your friends to do the same!

If this campaign is successful it may encourage similar campaigns to crowdsource funds for charities on steemit. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on this especially for putting controls in place to make donations as transparent as possible.

There is a follow up post with details of the results of the campaign and the donations made at Update on Syrian Appeal. Thank you for your votes.

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