I have just watched a video on youtube about the plight of the Venezueulan people. Although here in Britain our regime is not, at present, so visibly evil I would like to point out some facts.
Britain is supposed to be a first world country with riches and resources similar to the USA, Australia etc. However, people are starving here too. In the video by Sargon of Arkaad (whether you believe in him or not his sources are sound) he states that it is terrible that Venezuelan's are lucky if they get two to one meal a day. Anyone from a first world nation would agree that this is a terrible and a ghastly affront to any notion of humanitarianism and moral outlook. But let me tell you that I am lucky here in Scotland if I get one meal a day let alone a hot one. Yes we have a welfare state here but it comes under certain conditions which I will come back to.
Three days ago I had to go to a food bank in order to eat. I was terrified, unduly I might add, due to the fact that there are so many needy people in the world. However, I had become one of those people here in a so called first world country. Due to being self employed I did not qualify for the benefits of the welfare state and was totally alone, fending for myself and my dog. My business, a very very small enterprise, had failed and I was left to use my only other talent, namely music, to busk on the street. I declared my miniscule earnings to the government who then proceeded to class me as self employed and so not entitled to any help. What with bad weather, illness and resentment from non understanding people, I am hardly making a penny and often go days without food.
I am not saying that things are better or worse here rather than there, all things are relative, but even in a first world country I can honestly say that one of my major stresses is when can I eat. This leads to a lot of other stresses and ill health. Is this where they really want us?
To reassure you, I busk everyday, even though I have a terminal lung disease, my dog is always fed.....even before myself. I just cannot believe that in as rich a country as Britain that I am going through this.
I am not lying or bending the truth; I am being totally honest. God forgive me for saying this but if anyone out there in steemit can please possibly help I would be more than thankful. For goodness sake, I do not even know how to convert any money gained on this platform into spendable money.....I am not spamming, just being truthful. Thank you for your attention.
My dog is a border collie, a scottish sheepdog, who is black and white, the most gentle and loving creature I have ever known. I do not want to be separated from him but if I end up completely homeless I will be.
Forgive me for I know of no other place to turn.

Peace and Love.


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