Charitable deeds, let's crowd-fund for kids in Bangladesh, fruits and snacks every week, nr. 27

Hello on this wonderful day of cold winters and good deeds. As always I am here to bring your attention to a project I love. All proceeds from this post will go to @SchoolForSDG4, created by @Azizbd, to help host a weekly fruit program and/or provide educational materials for the kids.

This week has been a little hasty, on a personal level for @Azizbd, there is a lot of turmoil going on in Bangladesh, the elections are coming and let me tell you, from what I hear, they do not take place fairly, at all. The members of the party that is not in the government get rounded up and arrested. It is not fun to listen to, how there are still places where you can be cuffed for no other reason than having a different oppinion.

But we are not here to talk about that. I dropped the paragraph there to bring attention to the subject. If you want to find more, a google search would probably suffice.

Now, let us get into the order of charity of this week, time to tell you what has happened during the time of seven days!


Today the first lunch program took place and it was a raging success. Plus, I have a video for you here! All of the kids got fed properly. You can see that the portions are considerably big and contain healthy food. @Azizbd also provided a little more expensive dish for the children and the whole program cost him 187.50 dollars (around 3 dollars per child and that is with the payment for the chef's work included). The little ones ate beef, chicken, rice, and curd (a sort of yogurt, the favorite one amongst the youngsters). It was a richer meal than a usual one would be but I am happy that Mohammed decided to go that route and share some extra love with kids. They deserve to have the better things in life, at least once in a while and when it gets better, as often as possible!

There also was leftover food that went to the slums, for those who are struggling to make ends meet. The teachers got a little bit of a taste as well. You can see how happy everyone is when you check the video that was shot live! I am so excited and grateful for the program as it does what truly matters. It feeds people who struggle, it shows how simple kindness can save another soul. We did this, all of us, by our votes, our donations, our comments and encouraging words, by believing that it was possible and realizing that it does not matter how far those kids are, a hungry belly and a starving mind ought to be filled, we should care about all of the children of the world. And we most certainly do!

It took a while to get there and prepare the food. Without the help of Mohammed's family, it would take much longer. It was already three to four hours for the cook just to make the dishes plus, @Azizbd mom and sister worked two days before, in their spare time. They cut the onions and the meat. In total it must have been around seven hours spent doing these tasks. I want to say thanks to the people involved, all of us here and the ones on the spot, everyone who is doing something and not staying indifferent. Thank you! You have no idea how happy it makes me writing this post today! It makes me emotional as it is sometimes easy to see the bad in the world but a thing like this shows you how much light there can be, how much love we can give!

The lunch program is going to take place once every two months. If there is funding, a little bit more often, every month. It has gotten a huge response and I hope we will be able to rally even harder. Look at us go, from a 10$ weekly fruit program to almost a 200$ program once in two months. And the best part, the fruits are not going to stop! Both of the programs are going to prevail, we are going to add and add to the benefits, to provide for those souls that need guidance, to shape better, unique people with brilliant and giving minds. To make them not afraid to dream, to help them believe that they can achieve great things!

Thank you for sharing a dream with me!

On a different note, @Azizbd received another package from Australia, sent by the wonderful @GirlBeforeMirror, this time the items were meant more for the mothers of the children, to support the Women Empowerment program that @Azizbd also runs. I encourage all of you to check out her profile, she has an amazing heart that deserves some love!

All the pictures are recent and provided by @azizbd, any questions about the project can be resolved with him, he will be happy to answer any questions if you are interested to help this project and have any idea about how to make it better. Heck, he will even get up at 4 AM in the morning just to talk to somebody about ideas. Here is a link to his steemit chat:

If you would like to contribute by making a post, you can contact Mohammed ( @azizbd ) and he will provide pictures for you, anyone spreading the word is welcome. The income from the post can be sent to @schoolforsdg4, if you think you deserve any Steem for your hard work making a post, keep a dime, even a small donation from your posts means a lot to those kids.

If you have any Steem to spare, donations are welcome. @schoolforsdg4 is where you want to send them.

If you can't spare any Steem, because I know everybody has their lives to live and expenses needed to be covered, a simple upvote is very much appreciated, a resteem is encouraged. :)

As I said, all income from this post will go towards the project, my rewards are set to 50/50 payout, but I am still able to find the STEEM the posts make, so I will be able to forward all income from this post to @schoolforsdg4.

Wishing you an amazing day, today, tomorrow and forever,

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