Charitable deeds, let's crowd-fund for kids in Bangladesh, fruits and snacks every week, nr. 28

Another week another fruit program has passed. I am happy to tell that a lot of things happened this week and all of them were good in some way! All proceeds from this post will go to @SchoolForSDG4, created by @Azizbd, to help host a weekly fruit program and/or provide educational materials for the kids.

Here is a recent post from @SchoolForSDG4

This week was kind of normal, usual in most ways with a little cherry here and there. I have been busy but good, kids have been working on school tasks and finding some balanced leisure time. Most important, fruit program was featuring fun produce, one that is an educational symbol in many places, the juicy apple!


Look at all those smiling faces! It feels like every week there is more and more happiness going around. Plus, we are witnessing the growth of the little ones, both in education and, well, height! They are getting bigger and stronger, filled with joy about life and most definitely bringing a smile to my face as well. I hope this never stops, our help and love as well as their realization that the world can be a better place!

Look, look, look! Even while studying there are finally genuine smiles. It makes me tear up, no matter how cheesy it might sound! You know, all those times when I read a post about someone crying while writing, I kind of dismissed it and thought it to be too dramatic of an expression. But now I understand. I have been invested in these lives for a while now and for me, someone who sees those pictures every week, there is a huge difference, the kids have come so far. If the first time I received the photos there were barely any smiles, now there is a rare face that does not look content! And that fact alone makes me happy. I am not holding back tears but I have that feeling, I could cry if I didn't concentrate so fiercely on writing.

Now, back to apples. They are not only delish but also amazing to snack on. Each fruit has a different taste, a varying color, and a unique aroma. There are so many varieties, from crisp and juicy to soft and, well, you know, that weird texture of some types of apples :D I like the juicy and little sour ones. Those are the best. I also love apple juice but that is the ting of summer as my mom always made it then.

Other things to note are the facts that the school shared the monetary income and expense sheet and featured what steemit has done for the project. Check out the reports at @SchoolForSDG4 blog! Also, Al-Amin's mom got her monthly donation so she does not have to send her son to work and he can continue studying in our charity school. Those are the activities that have happened before and we are trying to encompass them into the routine of @Azizbd.

Also, the gifts sent from Australia have been allocated in the borders of the Women Empowerment Program that is a sister initiative to the School!

Lately but not least importantly. Maybe even very important. The school is renting an additional room this year and it is not equipped with a fan. Summers in Bangladesh get a little hot so @Azisbd is going to crowdfund for the fan, so the kids can stay in the extra room even in very hot temperature. This post will help him with that. In fact, I will make it the agenda of this post! We are crowdfunding for the fan through this post and there are around 30$ necessary!

All the pictures are recent and provided by @azizbd, any questions about the project can be resolved with him, he will be happy to answer any questions if you are interested to help this project and have any idea about how to make it better. Heck, he will even get up at 4 AM in the morning just to talk to somebody about ideas. Here is a link to his steemit chat:

If you would like to contribute by making a post, you can contact Mohammed ( @azizbd ) and he will provide pictures for you, anyone spreading the word is welcome. The income from the post can be sent to @schoolforsdg4, if you think you deserve any Steem for your hard work making a post, keep a dime, even a small donation from your posts means a lot to those kids.

If you have any Steem to spare, donations are welcome. @schoolforsdg4 is where you want to send them.

If you can't spare any Steem, because I know everybody has their lives to live and expenses needed to be covered, a simple upvote is very much appreciated, a resteem is encouraged. :)

As I said, all income from this post will go towards the project, my rewards are set to 50/50 payout, but I am still able to find the STEEM the posts make, so I will be able to forward all income from this post to @schoolforsdg4.

Wishing you an amazing day, today, tomorrow and forever,

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