Charitable deeds, let's crowd-fund for kids in Bangladesh, fruits and snacks every week, nr. 30

Woohoo! A round number. The time has come, I have done thirty posts for the charity. What a time it has been, how amazing it is to know that I can do something, with all of you! All proceeds from this post will go to @SchoolForSDG4, created by @Azizbd, to help host a weekly fruit program and/or provide educational materials for the kids.

This week, I will be honest with you, I haven't been very energetic. I have not been very active or in the mood to write. I slowed down a little and took a break from the computer. I didn't have the wish or will to be online and there were things I needed to do IRL. I just moved, and unpacking needed to be done, clothes, furniture, pots, and pans.

Obviously, even though I am online less, I am still writing for my favorite charity. What is happening in the life of kids and how @Azizbd is doing!

Check out @SchoolForSDG4 blog for more info about the charity!


This week, the snack was not fruits. It was something sweet, something different and something with a lot of Calcium that makes teeth and bones strong! That is right! The kids each had a glass of milk and some cake on the side. And it was indeed a different treat from what was on the table last week!

This reminds me of how my grandparent bought milk from a nearby farm (6 km away. That was considered close in the countryside). We always got milk in either plastic bottles or huge glass jars. Just like the kids have in the picture. Milk, in the right quantities, is good for health and teeth. Especially if you are still a little one with just the real set of teeth forming.

The monthly mothers meeting took place as well this week. The moms discussed study progress as well as the events and projects that were done at school. They could converse about everything relevant to them ant their kids. As this meeting happens once every month, the moms are able to actively participate in the school life and are always informed about current events.

During the meeting, kids and their mothers were allocated gifts from @girlbeforemirror. As always, this amazing person's gifts are still being distributed. You are an amazing woman!

The kids are applying for bank accounts as well this week. In fact, it is happening tomorrow. That means that they will have some kind of place to save money in as well as more education of how banks work!

Again, I am sorry for the short post. I must admit, I am not feeling like writing at all. But the kids are more important than my mood-swings, so here is a post. Leave a comment, share some love and know, that I am endlessly thankful for any and all support towards the project!

Sending lots of love!

All the pictures are recent and provided by @azizbd, any questions about the project can be resolved with him, he will be happy to answer any questions if you are interested to help this project and have any idea about how to make it better. Heck, he will even get up at 4 AM in the morning just to talk to somebody about ideas. Here is a link to his steemit chat:

If you would like to contribute by making a post, you can contact Mohammed ( @azizbd ) and he will provide pictures for you, anyone spreading the word is welcome. The income from the post can be sent to @schoolforsdg4, if you think you deserve any Steem for your hard work making a post, keep a dime, even a small donation from your posts means a lot to those kids.

If you have any Steem to spare, donations are welcome. @schoolforsdg4 is where you want to send them.

If you can't spare any Steem, because I know everybody has their lives to live and expenses needed to be covered, a simple upvote is very much appreciated, a resteem is encouraged. :)

As I said, all income from this post will go towards the project, my rewards are set to 50/50 payout, but I am still able to find the STEEM the posts make, so I will be able to forward all income from this post to @schoolforsdg4.

Wishing you an amazing day, today, tomorrow and forever,

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