Charitable deeds, let's crowd-fund for kids in Bangladesh, fruits every week, nr. VI

Another day, another good deed needs to be made. As always, I am starting with this statement, so there is no confusion: All proceeds from this post will go to @SchoolForSDG4, created by @azizbd, to help host a weekly fruit program for the kids. This week I will bring you up to date to the things happening in my favorite school!

But first of all, I want to thank @kerlund74 for the generous donation last week, you are amazing, thank you for all the help!

And here you can find How the kids are Learning at School For SDG4 💓💓 || Part 6 ||💓💓

Ahadul takes banana

This weeks fruit program brought in bananas. Looks yummy and completely different from the bananas I am used to, you know, the big ones! :D My posts are aimed to cover the expenses made, at least partially, to feed those kids some nutritious fruits once a week and lately we have been very successful, it warms my heart to see how you, the great people out there, rally to help! Thank you!

Jihad cleans the classroom after the fruit program

So, to bring you up to date:

Here is one workaholic in the making, but I think he needs an appropriately sized broom! Plus that room looks spotless already, it seems appointing kids as your building managers might pay off, they keep the room very tidy, great job! Teaching responsibility is something a lot of places lack. If we have to clean after ourselves there are less chances of littering. And it is even better if you make it interesting, make cleaning fun and educational!

In pictures below you can see kids doing their daily school work, I was wondering why kids don't smile as much in the pictures, as we, in Europe, as we have the tradition to tell the kids to smile in front of the camera, but I was informed by @azizbd that kids get shy and even nervous, when the first pictures are taken. Some are born with a smile ready for camera, like Hashi (in the middle picture). Others are a little reserved at first, like Emon (on the left) and Srity (on the right).

Emon has written a Bangladeshi poem, Hashi is drawing and Srity is showing off her ''Rain, rain go away'' poem

Unfortunately, I have a sad story to tell today, too. Rimon, the boy in the pictures below, has stopped attending school and started working in the market. Now, knowing @azizbd, he won't stop trying until there is reached a solution for the boy, and I hope Rimon will be able to continue his education. I am reminded time after time, that child labor is a very real thing, maybe not here, where I am at, but other places on our Earth. All kids matter, all deserve a chance. I hope Rimon will have his!


All the pictures are provided by @azizbd, any questions about the project can be resolved with him, he will be happy to answer any questions if you are interested to help his project and have any idea about how to make it better. Heck, he will even get up at 4 AM in the morning just to talk to somebody about ideas. Here is a link to his steemit chat:

If you would like to contribute by making a post, you can contact Mohammed ( @azizbd ) and he will provide pictures for you, anyone spreading the word is welcome. The income from the post can be sent to @schoolforsdg4, if you think you deserve any Steem for your hard work making a post, keep a part, even a small donation from your posts means a lot to those kids.

If you have any Steem to spare, donations are welcome. @schoolforsdg4 is where you want to send them.

If you can't spare any Steem, because I know everybody has their lives to live and expenses needing to be covered, a simple upvote is very much appreciated, a resteem is encouraged. :)

As I said, all income from this post will go towards the project, my rewards are set to 50/50 payout, but I have some other SBD kept in a safe place, so I will be able to forward all income from this post to @schoolforsdg4.

Thank you all for the support, it is greatly appreciated! Best of wishes for all of you, today, tomorrow and forever,

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