Charitable deeds, let's crowd-fund for kids in Bangladesh, fruits every week

So, I have decided to commit to this project in a sense that from now on I will try to make a post each Friday. All proceeds will always go to @SchoolForSDG4, created by @azizbd, to help host a weekly fruit program for the kids. This week I would love to share a recent event called ''Lunch Hour'' that was sponsored by two benefactors of the project.

Here you can read the original post: Lunch Hour. First time kids had lunch at @SchoolForSDG4


This event was sponsored by a brother and sister, Ehtasham and Bushra Haque on 29.08.2017 and it was the first time the kids had lunch at the school. Aside from the weekly fruits program the school is not able to provide meals, so it warms my heart when I have the chance to witness the event of generous souls actually helping food-wise.


Here are the two pictures showing the heroes of the day!


Food is an issue close to my heart. Adults may manage and find a way to get a bite in tough times, but for kids it is different, we are responsible for the little souls as they would have much harder time to take care of themselves. There are so many kids forced to grow up fast and so many others who are going half hungry in a day, just because their circumstances are not favorable. Nutrition is important for growth, physical and mental!


I am so very happy to see that the @SchoolForSDG4 project of providing education and food for the kids is making steps forward, I am so happy to see support not only from here, on steemit, but in real life, there in Bangladesh, it gives you hope, hope that it is possible to build a better society in the world!


I want to say ''Thank You'' to everybody who has ever taken part in this charity, thank you for every big or small thing you have done, every deed matters! There are so many things we can do in the world and I admire everybody who spared a minute for this. A huge ''thank you'' to all of you out there one more time.


All the pictures are provided by @azizbd, any questions about the project can be resolved with him, he will be happy to answer any questions if you are interested to help his project and have any idea about how to make it better. Heck, he will even get up at 4 AM in the morning just to talk to somebody about ideas. Here is a link to his steemit chat:

If you would like to contribute by making a post, you can contact Mohammed ( @azizbd ) and he will provide pictures for you, anyone spreading the word is welcome. The income from the post can be sent to @schoolforsdg4, if you think you deserve any Steem for your hard work making a post, keep a part, even a small donation from your posts means a lot to those kids.

If you have any Steem to spare, donations are welcome. @schoolforsdg4 is where you want to send them.

If you can't spare any Steem, because I know everybody has their lives to live and expenses needing to be covered, a simple upvote is very much appreciated, a resteem is encouraged. :)

As I said, all income from this post will go towards the project, my rewards are set to 50/50 payout, but I have some other SBD kept in a safe place, so I will be able to forward all income from this post to @schoolforsdg4.

I hope all of you reading have a great day, week and life,

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