Hello Steemians,

It is my pleasure to bring to your attention some projects that have the potential to make our world much better. In the process of doing this, I will all definitely highlight the individuals behind them.


Points to note, I will be majoring on projects that are carried out by people who care deeply for humanity. In essence, they do it not because they are rich, but because they have a good heart. I love to see people doing things for a higher purpose or calling!

This would be my own way of contributing to their growth on this blockchain and giving them the necessary exposure to BRING IT ON!

School For SDG 4 by @Azizbd

"School For Social & Educational Development Of Underpriviledged Children" thats the full meaning. This gives a fair idea of what they do.

First its a school which means that they actually educated kids (for free). There millions of schools in the world, but what makes it stand out is the fact that its for SDGs. They are usually from poor families, being exposed to so many risks associated with poverty.

Hunger, malnutrition, diseases, stunted growth, inadequate learning facilities, poor exposure, education & the necessities of life are the challenges that these kids in Bangladesh must face daily. They also get further exposed to child marriages, rape, child abuse, child labour, child trafficking, kidnapping, ritual killings etcz.

SDG Kids taking a cup of milk. What's milk right? Yeah..its huge for them!

Without things like these, kids are deprived of their childhood. They could grow up into gangsterism while the females enter prostitution. There will always be so much harm that could come to them in the process.

Who would have belled the cat? Obviously its the power of the steem blockchain at work here. Now a Bangladesh man (@Azizbd) could get support for such a project by simply posting about it. This is Crowdfunding 100.0!

I have discussed with him on one occasion and he mentioned the challenges of being a steemian from his country. Apparently, cryptocurrency is 'banned' there. But he still has to do what he has to do to send these help gotten from this platform to the people that need it most.
Aziz & some of his pupils during a lunch break!

In addition to this, he's also into women empowerment. Well he created an account known as @WomenEmpowerment where he equally educates and 'feeds' the financially less capable women. Maybe he should do a Dtube video soon so that we hear what he teaches them.

What I love most is the fact that he's doing something to change the offline life in his immediate environment via this online support. WHAT CAN BEAT THAT?

Family Protection & Child Rights Movement

When I think about people taking on a cause that is far beyond them and still making some impact, I have no choice but to think about this. This project has an entirely new scope like has never been seen before and to think that they chose to use Steem to activate such; I duff my hat!


" 'Child Protection' Agencies are Taking Children Away from their Loving Families. These Families Need Protecting!


From the foregoing, they have stated it clearly that there goal is to fight these "Child Protection Agencies" who unjustly take away the kids from families. Thus they encourage family unity, togetherness, and growth.

They don't just fight these agencies, they also help out the families by fixing the "problem" that caused the agencies to do this in the first place. I think that should be the appropriate solution to any family problem instead of a poorly thought-out quick fix that destroys everything.

In as much as this is a developed world challenge, it does affect the entire world. So essentially what these bad guys do is to take away the children from their parents under the guise of incompetence (or whatever other legal term they can cook up).

These 68,110 are then put in a social services system that is dead! From here on, child abuse is the norm. Sexual abuse is common. A child then grows up depressed, confused, out-of-place, rejected by the same society that fucked* him/her up.

Many times, they find themselves being moved from one frigging foster home to another. They get adopted many times than they can count and get maltreated (abused) in many different forms by many different people.

The social services which is a government agency will deny most of these allegations anyway, so I don't advice you go ask them. How about you just do your own research and form your own opinions on this.

Don't tell me that @Canadian-coconut, @MarkWhittam, @Cryptocoin, @Ecco-alex, @Thethreehugs, @Earthmother, @Article1, @Gardenbsquared, @HealingHerb etcz (Did I miss anyone?) are fighting for nothing. No! They aren't stupid people. They have a course they truly believe in and they are pushing it to the limits.

Here's a note from the official @FamilyProtection Account on how they operate:

So @familyprotection is paving the way for future communities, our community model works and has proven to be a solid foundation for others to start building communities on the Steem Blockchain!
When one of the volunteers @familyprotection upvotes and resteems a post, they always include a comment that explains that the post was chosen by our community, and that if they wish to support our community with our goal of saving funds to Help Families in Need, than please donate a portion of the SBD rewards they receive from this post.

Ride on! ride on!! @familyprotection. We believe in you!


@Damarth started this thread with the tag #onemealaday. I had to do a little search to find what its really about. Well here it is from the horse's mouth:

One Meal a Day is a steemit charity action to struggle against famine. Everyone in need of food can comment here and received our help to no longer starve. The poorest might not have access to internet, if you desire to help on the ground and actively provide meal, simply post what you are doing here. We should all contribute for a better world and insure the poorer to get at least the vital minimum:

Well he doesn't have a community account dedicated for this so I would say its more or less his personal efforts to make things better. But he has been able to galvanise alot of people towards this worthy course.

His posts get over 500 Comments on most occasions which means that he's really doing something that everyone loves to participate in. Even though I feel that about half of those comments are hunting for upvotes which he usually sprays across the post, I do think there may be some genuine ones.

I did scroll through some of the comments to find a glitter of genuineness. Here they are:

@Buil helping out the poor with food & supplies.

@Prettyjules158 doing some pretty work on some homeless people

@RoodCode007 taking help to India*

So looking at all these, will you still say that Steem is not changing the world? Well, I would say your opinion is yours to make but to me...

With a few changes here and there to straighten out the system better with communities, smts etc, we would do alot for the world in due time via this blockchain ecosystem.

One Bit At A Time!!!

I still believe that...

Impossible Is Nothing!

I Remain me, my mouth & eye @nairadaddy aka SteemDaddy. My aim is to leave you better than I find you everyday!

Proudly A...

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