Crowdfunding Campaign: Monthly Lunch Program For Underprivileged Children At School For SDG4 Part-2

Dear Supporters,

We are so glad to share that we are going to arrange our monthly lunch program for underprivileged children at @SchoolForSDG4. The program will feed 60 underprivileged children who are studying at school. The main objective of the hot meal arrangement at school is to provide healthy food for the children. We also arrange weekly fruits program for the children every week. The program of monthly hot meal arrangement was inspired by some of our donors including @velimir.


Yesterday we bought 60 plates and water glasses for kids. We would like to crowdfund for the new resources and the post rewards will focus the cost of the food plates and water glasses. As we are going to arrange a hot meal program on 26th March 2018, so we decided to buy them and share with our supporters.

A few weeks ago, I @Azizbd shared that we need to buy food plates and water glasses as we decided to arrange the hot meal monthly basis.

9 February, 2018

Last month we arranged the lunch program on 9th February 2018. The kids were so happy to participate in the lunch program and they are excited about next program we are going to arrange on 26th March 2018.

As we don't want to interrupt our academic classes for the food program arrangement so we try to find a holiday to arrange the food program. Maybe one day we will have own school building and will able to feed them every day. As we have limited space and source of fund is enough to cover daily food program cost. So we can't arrange food program every day.




The total cost of the plates was 4800 BDT and the glasses was 2400 BDT . So we are raising fund for 90 USD in total. We are happy to share our educational activities.

Lunch program 9 February, 2018

The fundraising fund from the post or Direct donation will be added to our school overall fund to meet our future expenses. Read our latest overall monthly report.

Thank you.

Read More about our projects and me

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School For SDG4

A School For Social and Educational Development of Underprivileged Children

Source of Icons 1 , 2

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