The charity. Educate children in values

I believe that the nature of the human being was endowed with instincts that lead us to practice kindness, charity in our peers, personally I always liked the idea of educating children. My decision to dedicate part of my time to social foundations, and promote the love of the smallest.

How to get children to understand what charity is

We want our son to be sincere, generous and kind. And sometimes we neglect one of the values that go closest to goodness: charity. Explaining what it is and what it means is the parents' task. Maybe the example is the best way to get the little ones to understand what this word means.

What is charity and how to explain it to children

For Christians, charity is one of the cornerstones in people's lives. The three virtues that every person should have, according to Christian theology are: faith, hope and charity. And of all of them, charity is the one that brings the person closer to kindness. For the Christian faith, means to love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself.

If we look in the dictionary, maybe we will find a help when it comes to explaining our son what charity is. Among other meanings we find these: "alms given or help given to the needy" or "solidary attitude with the suffering of others". That is to say, charity is to carry out an action of solidarity in an altruistic way towards a person in need.

Perhaps the simplest way to explain to them what charity is, be it by example. When you see someone in need, tell your child why that person is asking for money or food. Explain that some people need help and that any gesture on your part can be very helpful. Let him offer you a coin or something to eat.

Charity as an altruistic gesture in children

Being charitable means being less selfish and thinking more about others. Being charitable also means being generous. It is a virtue that includes many others. And although we think that children are small to understand it, the truth is that they help each other more than we think. Surely it does not take much to understand the meaning of charity.

And if not, look at the little ones. Many children grieve when they see another person cry, and try to help them if they fall. And they share their sandwich if they see that their friend does not have. And they do it in a disinterested way, without expecting anything in return. Applaud this type of behavior and you will have a charitable child in the future.

According to Dr. Steven Dowshen of the Nemours organization, stimulating self-esteem and recognizing children when they perform good deeds is a way of teaching them the importance of seeing for the needs of others. Works of charity also go hand in hand with the action of giving and assigning adequate value to material things. And to teach children how to share, you have to show them how to perform small acts of charity by donating toys or clothes they no longer use and taking them to meet other children and bring them gifts that have a special meaning for them. When children manage to get rid of a toy they like, it is important to reinforce the behavior by thanking them for agreeing to share their things.

Reading stories or children's stories that speak about charity and kindness is another way of teaching children about charitable acts in a language suitable for them. The drawings will help you understand the concept more easily and the stories of other children who have made a difference will inspire you to do the same.

We can instill in children to do volunteer work

** Tips **

Volunteer work is an excellent way to enjoy as a family. Talk to your parents or your siblings and find out what they might be interested in doing. Find something that everyone agrees with.

Below, you will find some ideas of things that can be done as a family or in a group with the supervision of an adult:

Teach a child to do his homework or play video game.
Clean a park or the shore of a river.
Plant trees or flowers in the local community.
Serve food in a shelter for the homeless.
Deliver food to elderly or sick people confined to their homes.
Clean a school or other public building.
Conduct a count of wild animals or plants for environmental groups.

Volunteer work can also help children learn important things about themselves, such as what they stand out and what they enjoy the most. Volunteer work can even help some children decide what they want to be when they grow up. So what are you waiting for? Make plans to start volunteering today!


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