"Integrity is doing the right thing most of the time, it's something that no one can take from you ~ Charles Fuchs.


Throughout the last few weeks, most of you have probably seen an increase of the "Action" or some of you may call it "Drama", on a few posts throughout Steemit. 🙇🏼

All the way from Spam, Voting Abuse, Reward Pool Rape, Flags etc... have been addressed by lots of the people in the community. This isn't anything new but when "Whales" get involved, it usually makes the storylines. 👨🏼‍💻

Usually I'm far to busy to get involved but if you love Steemit, you should care. It's pretty hard to miss this types of ause when posting and looking at content these days so let's address it a bit.

The highlights really have been focused on #RewardPoolRape, what is it you say? It's when a few authors find ways to "Game" the system to make an absurd amounts of money that people question that takes away earnings from the rest of the community. Meaning that there is only a certain amounts of rewards we all can earn that is put aside for all of us to generate on a daily bases. (I think that's how you can explain it). 🤣

There has been cases that a few "Steemians" here making around $300-$600 per blog and posting around 5-10 times a day. With SBD being so high, that's around... oh shit, bunch of cash!

Don't get me wrong, it's ok to create great posts with good content a day that makes up to $1000 but 7-10 of them a day while most people making peanuts, that nuts in my book. 

To 99.9% of us, that is pretty ridiculous... regardless of how good or bad the content is, no one person deserves that as it takes away from you and me.

If we want this community to be "Great" and "Somewhat" fair to everyone, we must get involved to stop these things from happening by "letting our voices be heard" and make it aware of whats going on to the community. 

Who am I to say what is right or wrong, this is a decentralized platform and the power is in each one of us to change it or let it happen. 🤷🏼‍♂️

So What Do We Do To Stop This From This Happening?

Who Knows? There will never be a right answer because everyone will have his or her opinion and there is no such thing as living in "Utopia" where everyone gets along holding hands singing "Kumbaya"... that's just plain reality. 

However, what we can do is try to find some kind of solution.

One way is to go back and limiting peoples post to at least 4 times a day which we had last year, this won't solve the problem but it will help. By limiting everyones post to 3-4 a day, this will cut down on shitty content, spam, voting abuse, reward thieves and many other things. 

People will still try to "Game" it by making more accounts but it's better than nothing. If we make it harder for people to "abuse" the system, it still will cut down the trash! 🤮

I would love to hear the community has to say on what we can do to make this place kinda fair for everyone, remember... we are decentralized which means the power is in all of us. 🌟

With that being said, what are your thoughts? Let's get some conversation going... looking forward to everyones thoughts about this.

Keep on STACKIN! 💞

For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs

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