✴️ I UPVOTED Over 11,157+ Posts and Comments On Steemit! Why Does It Matter? 😳

Surround yourself with people who provide you with support and love and remember to give back as much as you can in return. ~ Karen Kain

Do you believe what people say or do you believe what they do? Anyone can say they do something but in reality they do the opposite. That is the reason why I always look for people who "Do" instead what they "Say". 

You heard the saying "Documentation Always Beats Out Conversation" so today let me "Bust Out" one of my best stats that I earned on Steemit. I upvoted over 11,157+ Post and Comments! 😲

My vote tends to have some substance... depending on price the of steem, delegation, voting power etc etc... my "Upvote" can be anywhere from .04 - $6 per vote. 🤑

You can check everyone's stats (including yourself) by going to Steemitboard.com.

There are so many people on Steemit saying that they support people and their followers but I don't find that to be true at all... it other words, I wasn't surprised at all. 

Let me explain... there are tons of influencers on Steemit that posts between 2-5 times a day with tons of upvotes and comments and I realized early on that they don't ever comment back and rarely ever upvote anyone (just themselves). 😐

Do you really want steemit to become similar to Youtube where you see people with thousands of followers with hundreds of comments and they don't interaction with their audience? It's like people talking to themselves. 🤣 

I've been seeing this a lot on Steemit... people with hundreds of upvotes a day and if you check their stats, they hardly ever comment back or even upvote anyone. 😧

Why is this happening? Why are people still doing this? All they do is upvote the same influencers and comment to these people with no interaction at all.

Well you see, most people tend to get attracted to people with a huge influence or following (Ex: Celebrities, Actors, Athletes, etc etc)... 

Check out The Kardashian's, they gets millions of likes and comments but never engages with their audience...  So on Steemit, it's simple psychology... many will think if they keep commenting or upvoting these people... then maybe one of these days they will recognize by them but the truth is that never happens.

I'm not saying don't support the people you like... but does it get weird to keep commenting everyday without ever getting a response back at all, that is just a complete waste of time. ⏰

I'm the total opposite of that, I love to engage with my followers and support them... I don't want to be like one of these so called "influencers" that only cares for themselves, without the people... they are nothing. 

So I would like to conclude with this, have some self-awareness. 💁‍♂️

Start finding people that do engage with the community and especially find people that support you... it's better than wasting your time commenting on peoples blogs if you know they won't respond back... it's like talking to a wall. 😴

Have An Awesome Friday Steemians 💞

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