Do you want to start getting tons of upvotes? Do you want to get lots of comments? What about making it on the "Hot" and "Trending" Feeds? 🤔

Before I get started, be sure to follow me@stackin. How can I even "upvote" your posts if you're not even following me? 🤣

With that out of the way, let's get started lol

We all know that one of the most important things on Social Media is to get "Followers" if you want to have a successful profile, especially on Steemit. 

So what does one need to do to accomplish this? I'm going to tell you right now, you must put in the time and effort everyday if you ever want to see big results.

Here are (3) Three Quick Steps For Getting Followers. 

1. Start Networking With Influencers: "Such as myself 😬"

One of the most effective ways to gain a big Steemit following is by connecting with influencers. Pick 5-10 influencers you see on Steemit and start engaging with their content. 

Start commenting and start engage in their blogs. By doing this you will put yourself in front of the influencer and their followers... it's simple as that.

2. Be Very Consistent: 

Post at least once a day on Steemit. Your followers need to be able to count on you for their daily dose of inspiration and motivation. When your followers start seeing you everyday, they will start liking you more (sometimes lol) :)

However, Don't posts more than once or twice a day... EVER! You may think it's better to posts more content but not necessarily. 

You see, everyone has a certain amounts of "Voting Power" each day on Steemit. "Dolphins" like myself and "Whales" use our votes wisely.

When we see people start posting shit 💩 like 3-10+ times a day, we will stop voting for you and likely mute you so that we don't have see your garage.

3. Use Other Social Media Platforms: 

Since I started Steemit, I used my other Social Media platforms to promote my posts so that I can get my old followers and new followers to visit me on Steemit. 

After I posts my blog, I will share this posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Discord, Snapchat and a few of my friends through chat to look at my blog (in others words, I tell there ass they better upvote me haha jk).


This step is probably the most important... Once you get followers, the hardest thing to do is keeping them. You need to start brining that entertainment, value, knowledge, fun, inspiration etc... etc... on a daily bases or you will lose them. 

If you keep posting the same ole boring shit everyday, they will stop reading your blogs and look for better people on Steemit... like myself 😅😂🤣😜

So with that being said, I hope this advice helps you guys out on how you can start getting tons of new followers on Steemit.  

Have an awesome Sunday and Keep on Stackin! 💞

Follow My Steemit Journey: @STACKIN
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