✴️ STEEMIT SUPERSTAR SHOUTOUT! Introducing Zane Bradshaw... A "Diamond In The Rough" 💎😎

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." ~ Helen Keller

It's one of those days again when I go through Steemit and find some "Diamonds In The Rough" AKA "Minnows" 🐠🐟  that are doing an awesome job posting great content.

The last few weeks, there has already been several success stories such as @awarenessraiser and @awakealiveaware. If you haven't followed them yet, you should now. 😆

So Today... I would like to Announce and Introduce you guys to another "Steemit Superstar"... His name is Zane Bradshaw @enazwahsdarb 💁🏼‍♂️

Be sure to follow @enazwahsdarb as he blogs many things like Motivation, Inspiration and Hustle... All The Things I Like To See 😎

I've just realized that Zane posted/commented over 3000+ times in just 31 days, That's Amazing! 

I remembered that he contacted me several weeks ago and wanted some advice... however I was bombarded by hundreds of people that wanted some help at the same time and totally forgot. 🙁

Remember guys, I have over 100,000+ Social Media Followers all over the internet. I get over 1000's of messages a month asking for help and advice... It's impossible for me to reply to every single person... 🙇🏼

There is only one way to get my Attention... "PEOPLE WHO DO THE WORK"! I've been seeing Zane commenting all over Steemit... brining tons of value and helping lots of people. Zane has put tons of effort in just 31+ days and it shows. 🥇

You see... if you want to get noticed by Dolphins and Whales, you have to get their attention. The only way to do that is by putting out tons of great content, bring lot of value and especially socializing throughout the Steemit Community by commenting. 

So are you next the STEEMIT SUPERSTAR? I will be keeping my eyes wide open everyday; looking for the next Steemian that is "Putting In the Work"! 👨‍💻👩‍💻

Stay Tuned Peeps... More "Superstars" Coming Soon!

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