Computer-Generated Chess Problem 01808

Here is a 'KRRBNP vs kn' chess problem generated by a computer using the 'Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate' computational creativity method. It does not use endgame tablebases, artificial neural networks, machine learning or any kind of typical AI. There is also no proven limit to the quantity or type of legal compositions that can be automatically generated.

5R2/8/2B5/6Rn/7N/6Pk/K7/8 w - - 0 1
Chesthetica v10.58 : Selangor, Malaysia
White to Play and Mate in 3 : 2017.12.25 8:22:05 PM
Solvability Estimate = Difficult

Now, let's see what else there is to say. Give me a moment. You may attempt to solve this within the stipulated time. Feel free to copy the position into a chess engine and discover even more variations of the solution.

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