Computer-Generated Chess Problem 01871

A newly published and original KRBNP vs kqrbnp mate in 3 chess problem generated autonomously by the program, Chesthetica, using the Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate (DSNS) computational creativity approach. It doesn't use endgame tablebases, deep learning or any kind of traditional AI. Chesthetica is able to generate mates in 3, mates in 4, mates in 5, study-like constructs and also compose problems using specific combinations of pieces fed into it. Read more about it on ChessBase.

4K3/8/3b2r1/4n3/4k3/4pNP1/5qB1/3R4 w - - 0 1
White to Play and Mate in 3
Chesthetica v10.59 : Selangor, Malaysia
2018.1.26 8:58:43 PM
Solvability Estimate = Moderate

If you notice an earlier version of Chesthetica listed with a newer problem, that simply means an earlier version may have been running on a different computer or OS user account. White actually has less material than Black yet still wins. The white army is down by about 9 (Shannon) pawn units in value. If this one is too easy or too difficult for you, try out some of the others. Note that not all the chess problems are like this. They cover quite the spectrum of solving ability and there are over a thousand published already.

Solution (Skip to 0:35)

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